Damn healthy girls there!

What did you put in the runt to get to blow up like that?:funny::funny::funny:
I feed them all the same goodies, each at the beginning of the season got 3 dead fish in the mounds, 1- 5 gallon bucket of ash, 1 -5 gal of chicken and rabbit poop, lawn clippings with added perlite and coco to add aeration to the soil. 10 gallons of water every day and I feed salts every Sunday a heavy mixture of GH 3 part and Fox Farm trio 10 gallons each. The CBD seems to just veg slow but stretches like crazy during preflower. I have another one out that did the exact same thing and the ones I ran 2 years ago the same.
Glad I’m not the only one with plants just starting to flower. Your grow looks really nice.
My Helter Skelter that I cloned and revegged is probably 4 weeks into flower now in my greenhouse. It's Durban Thai High Flyer x Guyana land race Sativas crossed to FV Green Poison. Super Skunky Burnt Rubber panic attack high. The Rev, the Legend, and Grim Reaper FV are all a few weeks into Flower also. Out of the Comp plants the Wild Thing is Furthest into flower. I'm not sure when to expect the Northern Lights to finish but the CBD usually runs into late October from the ones I've run in the past.
The last clone of the FV Cream Cheeze should be done here in about 10 days.
Update on the photos time ... don't expect either one of these to finish this year

Snow G .. nuttin happening yet
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Green Poison FV F1 just starting to flip
View attachment 1700679

Happy growing all! :d5:
The FV Green Poison usually flowered really quick for me outdoors. Kind of surprising it's just starting to flower though the ones I ran years past and the breeding projects I used it in are all super sensitive to any amount of light decrease and trigger flowering early on.
The FV Green Poison usually flowered really quick for me outdoors. Kind of surprising it's just starting to flower though the ones I ran years past and the breeding projects I used it in are all super sensitive to any amount of light decrease and trigger flowering early on.
Yep, the GP FV i ran 5 years ago were well into flower by now and took about 7 weeks to finish. Not counting on it or the Snow G to make it if fall is damp and cool, which it usually is here
Good morning all and happy Sunday! Weekly update for the OD plants. First are the photos!
Both are on day 113 from seed. Citrus milf is doing what she is supposed to… still getting yellow fans. I pluck them off when a small tug pops them off. But other than that she’s doing great.

And the Apple bottom. Just noticed today that she has pistils… gonna be a late season girl (if she makes it to a harvest before weather comes in) but she is super healthy!

So, as you can see… she’s got a ways to go lol
And the autos, Day 74! They are doing great! #1 on the left has caught up with #2 on the right. She’s about 2 weeks behind the girl on the right. You can see the difference. Very sweet smell to them, like candy! Number 2 is my selection for the comp!

The orange things are pine chaff from the white pines we have here. No avoiding it lol. That’s all for now!
@Waira update on the outdoor photoperiods
Northern Lights #5 starting to throw some pom poms!

Wild Thing R2 a bit further behind in flowering but looking amazing

Chocolate Bold Desire CBD S1 just starting to throw some pistols but looking very strong.

I've been battling the dreaded Septoria which started on my tomato plants then moved to the Cream Cheeze F1Fv clone #3 which has spread like a wild fire to the Rev and CBD which are its closest neighbors. I've been battling septoria for years now in the garden it's manageable but I haven't found a way to eradicate it totally.