Outdoor Off the beaten path- uk guerrilla grow

Nice! cant wait to see how the super autos do man!hopefully we can exchange smoke reports in the end!!!
so any update on the super autos man? how they doing?
Hey moutros, sorry for no updates, planting out has been delayed due to some technical difficulties but the super autos are loving it in the polytunnel and are growing well. I'll do a proper update when they're planted out :thumbsup:
Hey moutros, sorry for no updates, planting out has been delayed due to some technical difficulties but the super autos are loving it in the polytunnel and are growing well. I'll do a proper update when they're planted out :thumbsup:
can't wait!
/me offers a trowel and a bag of compost . . .
Greetings Pathway and thread-pals, I hope you don't mind my crashing in at this late stage; just discovered your post about 20 mins ago, as I sit here absorbing strong coffee, waking up:coffee2:. Are those plants out of that cosy poly-tunnel yet man? its got to be tempting to leave them there at this stage huh??? I don't know how "guerrilla" your site is, but having spent good money and time raising your girls, there's got to be some reluctance to leave em out to chance. ok heres where the old fart (I`m not that old, and I ve never farted in my entire life...honest:gassy:) tells you about his guerrilla grow.

about 8-9 years ago, while walking my beloved canine in state forest, I found what would be a good spot; theres a million good spots; that's not the problem; the problem is getting all the shit up there stealthily. I found a secluded spot, but had to tunnel through rough stuff to get to it; the tunnel ended up being about 15 feet long, uphill and down dale; it was like something from Lord of the rings; I loved it. next was all the stuff...two 4 foot by 4 foot 20 mm bitza plywood for a stable platforms, which I had to throw from the forest pathway in the general direction of the site and then retrieve it once I had gone though the tunnel-of-promise. anyway I wont go on for ever; the set up was the aforementioned platforms, made level with whatever I could find, one on top of the other with a gap of about 4"; this was the slug-kill zone, where all the slug pellets were scattered; next a complete surround of chicken wire to keep all manner of rabbits, deer, rats, foxes, you name it...OUT, and an empty bucket with one of those incinerator dustbin lids upside down on top as a rainwater collector, then came all the big pots and compost (it can be A LOT of work going guerrilla) and finally the day to transplant my girls. long story a bit shorter, I visited site every couple of weeks and loved being there all tucked away with my girls; sometimes people would walk nearby on the forest trail and not have a clue I was only 10 foot away. I had 17 plants on that platform and they did well, but the summer went a bit bad and I had a little mould but all in all it was great fun and largely successful. next year, some forestry machinery bulldozed my site without ever knowing it was there; making room in the roadside cutting nearby to stack freshly cut trees...end of my story.
hope your grows ends with some primo buds my friend, whether they ever get out of the poly-tunnel or not.
Thanks @SpliffScot & @Oldbie. Just been having transport problems which is a pita but should be sorted soon. If the worst comes to the worst I can put them out nearby but I'd rather wait until I can get them to a better spot. You have no idea how much I would love to leave them in the tunnel lol!
Greetings Pathway and thread-pals, I hope you don't mind my crashing in at this late stage; just discovered your post about 20 mins ago, as I sit here absorbing strong coffee, waking up:coffee2:. Are those plants out of that cosy poly-tunnel yet man? its got to be tempting to leave them there at this stage huh??? I don't know how "guerrilla" your site is, but having spent good money and time raising your girls, there's got to be some reluctance to leave em out to chance. ok heres where the old fart (I`m not that old, and I ve never farted in my entire life...honest:gassy:) tells you about his guerrilla grow.

about 8-9 years ago, while walking my beloved canine in state forest, I found what would be a good spot; theres a million good spots; that's not the problem; the problem is getting all the shit up there stealthily. I found a secluded spot, but had to tunnel through rough stuff to get to it; the tunnel ended up being about 15 feet long, uphill and down dale; it was like something from Lord of the rings; I loved it. next was all the stuff...two 4 foot by 4 foot 20 mm bitza plywood for a stable platforms, which I had to throw from the forest pathway in the general direction of the site and then retrieve it once I had gone though the tunnel-of-promise. anyway I wont go on for ever; the set up was the aforementioned platforms, made level with whatever I could find, one on top of the other with a gap of about 4"; this was the slug-kill zone, where all the slug pellets were scattered; next a complete surround of chicken wire to keep all manner of rabbits, deer, rats, foxes, you name it...OUT, and an empty bucket with one of those incinerator dustbin lids upside down on top as a rainwater collector, then came all the big pots and compost (it can be A LOT of work going guerrilla) and finally the day to transplant my girls. long story a bit shorter, I visited site every couple of weeks and loved being there all tucked away with my girls; sometimes people would walk nearby on the forest trail and not have a clue I was only 10 foot away. I had 17 plants on that platform and they did well, but the summer went a bit bad and I had a little mould but all in all it was great fun and largely successful. next year, some forestry machinery bulldozed my site without ever knowing it was there; making room in the roadside cutting nearby to stack freshly cut trees...end of my story.
hope your grows ends with some primo buds my friend, whether they ever get out of the poly-tunnel or not.
@Oldbie - ahhh man, i thought that was going to have a happy ending. Still, better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all!
I'm sure a few extra days won't do any harm - just don't let them go so long they get root bound - once they are I've found poor recovery so plants just seem reluctant t push out new roots (you should try and tease them out rather than leave them in a ball).

@Oldbie I had to abandon my woodland site this year, which is one I had been slowly adapting in the autumn - tree thining | :cooldance: | (that's the height of sun v's tree height dance). Was a real find or so I thought till I saw a fresh flurry of horse hooves thru the clearing (a new occurrence) - damn I might have created a path.... shite ! ! !. An operation earlier this year killed the idea anyway so i'll never known if it wood have worked, but at least I haven't had to carry rucksacks of compost and boxes with plants in em by public transport (bus). As urbanites the only other green spaces we have around here are called parks haha.
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@Oldbie - ahhh man, i thought that was going to have a happy ending. Still, better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all!

Wasn't altogether an unhappy ending Knocker, but yeah, all my work could have yielded a bit more reward. never mind, coulda been worse and certainly better to have loved and lost etc. some autos would have faired (spelling???) better, but the strain was "Misty", from Kulu seeds (originally Positronics). Misty is a descendant of White widow, and has the most gorgeous tropical aroma I have grown in many years; a very fun, but scattered high and it stays with you the next day; brain-fog!
coffee is working; i`m waffling again.
see ya around.