Outdoor Off the beaten path- uk guerrilla grow

Late night Mephisto pool party at my place
mephisto gg.JPG 2 x Fantasmo Express, 2 x HBSS and a single SODK have just gone for a little dip and will hopefully be joining us for the summer:cools:
I just ordered some May the 4th be with you Mephisto's - but I'm not sure I'd risk them in the outdoors here... some will go back to friends in Spain tho where they can get a Spring and Autumn grow (it's too hot in summer there).
So it's time for a little update on how things are going. The Flash super autos are chugging along, apart from one of the Critical Chaze seedlings which looks a bit ropey, having small crinkley leaves and a hard wiry stem, and one of the Nirvana Sky seedlings looks like it could be a bit of a dwarf, albeit a healthy one.
NS#2.jpg NS#2- not the dwarf but has a squat broad appearance
All 5 of the Mephisto beans germinated, were potted up and broke the soil on Friday:d5:. The SODK seedling had a little surprise...
SODK tri.jpg

So 100% germination from the Mephisto boys as well :thumbsup:Nice 1 lads
I killed off some seedlings, but I had 100% germination on the Mephistos too. Looking good bro.
@knocker powell If you do want Mephisto's make sure to order direct from them and not from a seed bank. For one all of the money goes to the breeders, and you'll get freebies (which are all other Mephisto's (so not like the freebies from a seed bank). They do regular special offers here as well so keep an eye open for them. I'm only doing my first grow with them indoors but am very impressed with the plants performance so far. Well worth the extra expense of a good bean in my opinion. Unless of course it's being thrown on a rather iffy guerilla site on an exposed Scottish hillside frequented by sheep mwahahahaa.
@knocker powell If you do want Mephisto's make sure to order direct from them and not from a seed bank. For one all of the money goes to the breeders, and you'll get freebies (which are all other Mephisto's (so not like the freebies from a seed bank). They do regular special offers here as well so keep an eye open for them. I'm only doing my first grow with them indoors but am very impressed with the plants performance so far. Well worth the extra expense of a good bean in my opinion. Unless of course it's being thrown on a rather iffy guerilla site on an exposed Scottish hillside frequented by sheep mwahahahaa.
yeah man - there's a nice vibe about them isnt there - i always have a little neb at their site. will deffo have a crack at their seeds once i've got a proper indoor set up - as i mentioned, i look at what Tan does with them and it blows my mind! - Thanks for the tip about ordering direct, bro.
yeah man - there's a nice vibe about them isnt there - i always have a little neb at their site. will deffo have a crack at their seeds once i've got a proper indoor set up - as i mentioned, i look at what Tan does with them and it blows my mind! - Thanks for the tip about ordering direct, bro.
Ok, time for another little update. The Critical Chaze seedling that was looking suspect showed no further development and was deteriorating, so in an act of mercy, the towel was thrown in and it was pulled.
The other 6 Flash super autos were fine if not a little small due to their environmental conditions (crammed into the sides of a full photo mum/cutting cab under a 150w cfl) and so spent their first day and night outdoors in the polytunnel yesterday. Checked on them today and they look happy enough
flash in tunnel.jpg The top row is Critical Chaze, the bottom Nirvana Sky. All around day 25, still just being fed PM Root Stim.
nirvsky2.jpg Nirvana Sky#2
This has made a little more room for the Mephistos, which are coming along ok apart from being a bit stretchy. Updates on those later.
Thanks for looking in, hope you're all well and enjoying watching your own plants grow:smokeout: