Indoor Mars Hydro Grow Journal (2x) TS600 + 1 TS1000 Bruce Banner + Critical Mass + Gelato - Check out the pics!

*** Day 56 ***

Bruce Bud glory

*** Day 58 ***

Gelato is coming around again. Her flowers are starting to fatten up a bit. Baby Bruce is also doing well still, she isn't showing pistils as soon as Big Bruce did. So I think Baby Bruce is gonna end up being bigger than her big sister by the end. Big Bruce has some real nice buds. Fat dense sticky. Last night they are starting to show some amber. Although there is amber there are still some clear. I'm thinking she has a week tops left before harvest. Can't wait.

I will note, I find this first auto grow to be a challenge. My first photo grow was much easier in terms of plant temperament. Same holds true again. All of my auto's are very temperamental and the slightest thing I do wrong, which is many things, throws them into a death spiral. Meanwhile Critical Mass photo that I'm treating the same is doing so well. I tested her PH and PPM and they are off for sure. Her PPM was about the same as Bruce was before I flushed her. But no signs of stress on CM at all, in fact her root system is so robust I can't stick my finger into her soil as there is a massive web of roots. None of the autos have the same root mass. Bruces stalk is amazingly thick and strong, but she's moody AF. So I have 3 more Bruce Banner seeds and 3 more gelato seeds, think I'm gonna grow them all in one batch once this group is done. If I don't get the hang of it and still have such moody plants I can't say that I'm gonna stick with the auto's. I'm starting to wonder what the benefit to auto's is TBH. People told me they were easier. I'm finding the opposite to be true. So far my photos have been much more forgiving of mistakes and allow me to fix mistakes before much damage is done.

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*** Day 61 ***

i couldn't help it, I cut off a nice bud at the top of Bruce, dried it and smoked it lol. I have zero patience. Really nice clean head buzz. And it's still not ready. Very little amber showing. Bruce looks like she's in the fall season with all sorts of colourful leaves. Good, bad, I don't know and at this point she is what she is. I've transitioned to just plain water since she must be ready in a week I'm thinking. Her colourful leaves are plyable, they aren't hard and crunchy. But lots of purple and reds. All I know is her buds get fatter and fatter every day. And they are very dense hard buds. I can't get my hand around the 4 main big buds. Gelato is feeling better after getting sick from the peroxide I dumped into her to kill the gnats. But I have no gnats lol. Her buds are interesting in looks. They look really furry and white on the outside and are a black furry colour inside. Kinda like a bleached hair cut that has grown out about 2 months.

Baby Bruce is coming along, i think her PH is too low but my new PH meter stopped working this weekend. F'n crapping product. You're typical $15 tester on Amazon. So will buy a better tester tomorrow. I'm guessing that baby bruce is gonna be just as moody as her big sister has been. Critical Mass is huge and growing well in the new tent. @Marshydro I need a nice big light in my new tent. That's gonna be my new photo period tent. I enjoyed my first Scrog and making a thick canopy, so will grow both auto and photo moving forward.




Is there a temperature that the soil should be at? The room these are in is about 15C, and I have a heater in the tents to keep it between 20 - 27C. And I put a 1.5 inch Styrofoam sheet under each tent floor. But when the plants are wet the soil seems pretty cold to me. Wondering if I'm affecting growth with cold wet soil? I also don't want to point the small heater right at the pots as I figure I might make them too warm with the direct heat. Any suggestions as to the temp the soil should be?

I got a new PH meter, $130, better than the Vivosun crappy $17 PH pen. The new one can measure temperature too. The water I use is in jugs that I fill and store in the same room as the tents for 24 hours to let the chlorine dissipate. So my water should be about the same temp as the soil. So if I test runoff it should be close'ish to what the soil would be normally. IDK, thoughts?
*** Day 66 ***

Well, my first auto grow has been a mixed bag of mistakes, new learning, time, effort and joy.
Baby Bruce is still coming along, no flower yet and I had to flush her and she didn't like that very much and had yellowing leaves that were clawed for several days until she dried out. Thought I might lose her but today I started feeding her again and she's perking up. So that's good news. Gelato is still doing her thing, probably another 30 days before she's done. And Critical Mass is huge in the new tent doing really really well. I'm going to move one of the Mars 600's to that tent to give her more light.

But the big news is Big Bruce Banner has been harvested. Enough amber trichomes, mostly all cloudy. I prefer the head high than the couch high so I chopped her before I see much amber. I knew her buds were thick, but holy smokes once I trimmed her buds the true size of the buds came to light. Very very happy with the end result.

I will say, you know I had plenty of issues with feeding her and PH, and PPM, and humidity and everything else under the sun. But wow, I'm thirlled with the end result. The one thing that didn't give me a hard time was the Mars Hydro lights that grew these awesome buds. I'm using the two lowest end Mars lights, 600's and 1000 and look at the results I got even with all the feeding issues I had. You really of to give these light credit for being able to grow big bud. Event a newbie like me can get killer results with these lights. The pictures prove it.

This grow journal has been fun, and thanks to those who have helped. You've all helped keep my plants alive lol. @Marshydro , I may not have the most views, but check out the bud size. Woot Woot. IDK, maybe 3oz dry??

Would love to know everyone's thoughts on the final results considering my trials and tribulations. Decent resutls?



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*** Day 69 ***

Well here we are at the end, day 69.... who wouldn't love day 69 lol. Anyway I digress.
As stated I'm done harvesting Bruce Banner, she's drying now.
Gelato still has I'd say 30 days left at this point. And Baby Bruce is coming along nicely. I'll also post a pic of Critical Mass, she is lovely, she has the best temperment of the bunch and is a big plant. She's taking up the entire 2x3 tent I got for her. Once Gelato is done I think I'm gonna grow two Critical Mass in a SCROG setup.

Bruce before being harvested on the left and Gelato on the right.

And check out Critical Mass, isn't she lovely? Not a speck of yellow, very healthy happy flowering plant.

So now we await the declaration of a winner. This was fun. I'd play this game again but as stated before by myself and others I don't think the total views should be the determining factor. I think there should be plant charactistics as a determining factor in the picking of a winner. Gotta say my buds were a nice size, I'd give others a run for their money with those buds I'm sure.

Ok, Bruce's buds are about 80% dry. I dried them a bit too quick with a fan that was circulating. Anyhow, here's the results 137 grams!! Yay!! Super thrilled with that result! Four Mason jars filled to the top. A nice addition to the jars of Black Banana Cookie that I still have from my first grow.
Oh the drama, after posting my final thoughts above I see that in the contest page there is suspected cheating!!! lol.
The horror. Should be interesting to see how this shakes out. I think I'm in third so either way guess the situation won't impove my standing.
Nail biter.
Ok I haven't kept up here sine I didn't win the light lol... but here's a quick update.
Gelato doesn't look pretty. She's been a gnarly looking plant since the get go. But her buds are coming along and this past weekend I dried and smoke some (so impatient) and wow! Super strong clean minded head buzz. No couch lock which I don't like. Although she's not pretty her results are going to be great.

And Critical Mass is still a beauty. She's huge and her buds are super sticky and fragrant. Love this plant.

Ok I haven't kept up here sine I didn't win the light lol... but here's a quick update.
Gelato doesn't look pretty. She's been a gnarly looking plant since the get go. But her buds are coming along and this past weekend I dried and smoke some (so impatient) and wow! Super strong clean minded head buzz. No couch lock which I don't like. Although she's not pretty her results are going to be great.

And Critical Mass is still a beauty. She's huge and her buds are super sticky and fragrant. Love this plant.

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She may look rough, but she's making canna. Not too unlike my little HBSS.