Indoor Mars Hydro Grow Journal (2x) TS600 + 1 TS1000 Bruce Banner + Critical Mass + Gelato - Check out the pics!

*** Day 47 ***

Baby Bruce continues with the LST and she looks good so far. The smallest bit of yellow on some leaves.
PPM 532 PH 5.7 Those numbers are right where they should be for her right?
Gelato continues to flower and is still a very wispy then leafed plant but seems to be mostly happy.
Big Bruce still doesn't look the best, but her buds are really starting to fatten up. She has about four colas that have really fat buds, and a whole lot of buds in the undergrowth that look really nice.

I've pulled the trigger and bought a new tent, it will be here Tuesday. Critical Mass is looking great but must be put into 12/12 lighting now, she's getting too big. I likely will do a SCROG with her as she has a ton of branches within her mass. I think she's gonna really produce a ton of bud.

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Don't they look happy, aside from Big Bruce? Her buds look really good, I'm sure my yield is gonna be lower than it could have been due to my issues but doing what I can. I've read the purple leaves are a phosphorous deficiency. I'm going to buy some Advanced Nutrients Big Bud on Tuesday when the stores open up here again. Big Bud has extra phosphorous and is for this exactly. Hope it's not too late.
Avoid feedin more phosphorous if this is the plant you just began flushing. It will show deficiencies because it was unable to take up certain nutrients from the salt build up. Bloom A/B has enough phosphorous
New tent comes tomorrow! Slightly smaller than the 2 x 4, it's a 3x2. Legally I can only have 4 plants in Canada, so I'll keep 3 in the 2x4 and 1 or 2 in the 2x3. I'll post pics when it's up.
Got the new tent up! Critical Mass is now in it with a new light and is in 12/12 lighting as of tonight. Didn't have a chance to set up the SCROG net yet, will do that on the weekend.

Tested Bruce's runoff PH 5.8 and PPM 800. Pretty good now huh? Please do let me know if you think Big Bruce is now in the safe zone for PH and PPM.

Haven't had time to post pics. Busy week, hopefully tomorrow night. I'll show the new tent setup as well.
Glad alls back on track and you're able to give the CM a new home!.. she's gonna be a beast hopefully... as its a photo have you thought about 'up-potting' her,? so she gets even bigger for your scrog - more roots more shoots!..
Easy now!..
*** Day 50 ***
CM seems to be enjoying her new home, and the other three autos too are liking the expanded space. Gelato particularly was squished in the corner and now she can stretch out a bit more, which she has. I need to set up ventilation in the new tent still, there's a fan to circulate but no exhaust yet. That's this weekends project.

The new tent could use another light. Because she is so big and bushy the leaves lower down are in shadow. When I get the SCROG set up this weekend that should help get light to all the branch tops that will be arranged. I'm just happy I can trigger flower mode finally.


UGGHH.... I had to put CM back in the auto tent. I have one 120W LED light in the new tent with a small space heater cause that room gets cold at night and I didn't connect my exhaust fan to the new tent yet. I got home tonight and it was like a tropical rain forest in the new tent complete with rain showers at 95% humidity lol sheeesh. Took everything out dried it up and put CM back in the auto tent until the weekend when I can get the exhaust running. Bruces colas are getting fat and hard. I'm now thinking the purple at the top is a feature of this strain. The leaves feel ok, flexible, but they are purple. IDK... any other suggestions? As in the prior post I think I have the nutes and ph dialed in on her now.
*** Day 52 ***

Ok, going to get the vent tubing later today to extend the ventilation exhaust to the second tent so I can move CM back into it and get 12/12 going again. After one night of 12/12 lighting she started to stretch already, boy she's getting really big for the tent. Big Bruce seems to be doing really well again. Thank you to all who helped me get him healthy again. Her buds are really getting fat, lot's of cloudy trichomes but no amber yet. She'll definitely be done in the next 30 days tops. Can't wait to try her bud, it's supposed to be killer. Gelato after a really slow start has really come into her own. Lots of blooms with promising bud yield from what I'm seeing already. She looks really nice now and healthy compared to the really slow start she had. And Baby Bruce is doing really really well, looks really healthy and bushy, keeping up with the LST, I think the LST is done and gonna let her grow up now.

Here's the whole family jammed in there. IDK if you can tell but CM really reached up after one night of 12/12. Her roots are completely taking up the pot. You can't stick your finger in to feel if she's dry cause the root system is a complete web from top to bottom. Nice health root system on her. My auto's don't seem to have the same robust root system and as you know all have been fed the same way. Is this typical?


You can see below how thick the main colas are getting and they are rock hard, very dense, very diesel smelling. Sticky sticky.
A lot of bud in the undergrowth that needs to mature. Some nice nugs in there hidden.

And here you can see how nice Gelato has become. Without any LST she has become spread out with many tops. Still thin leaves and wispy but seems to be happy. And Baby Bruce in front is growing up nicely, can't call her baby much longer. Teenage Bruce?? She's filling out the pot.

Gotta give the @Marshydro lights credit. The two TS600's are the bottom line Mars lights and the TS1000 is the one step up. I can't complain about the results these budget lights give. I'd love to invest in higher end Mars lights and compare and review but the wife is thinking I've invested enough at this point. I still have 3 jars of bud from my last photo grow, so once these are harvested I'm gonna have a good stockpile. So she's wondering how much do we need lol. MORE hahahahaha. But seriously, these Mars lights are doing me real well in my 2x4 tent. Great value for the money.
Can you have too much canna in jars or bags???????????? :funny: :funny: :funny:
Can you have too much canna in jars or bags????????????
I'm envisioning 8 months from now a shelf stocked with several jars each of different strains so I can pick and choose depending on my mood and desired effect. Sooooooo in my mind more the merrier!
*** Day 54 ***

I split the input to the exhaust fan with a duct splitter, running another line to the second tent. Still getting use to the balancing act to get each environment exactly the way I want, but for the most part the AC Affinity fan is being able to keep up sucking out enough hot air from both tents. No more tropical rainforest in the new tent.

Bruce is looking good and thickening buds every day. The top buds look pretty darn close to done, but when you spread the branches there are some really nice ones within that aren't close yet.

Critical Mass is in her own tent and looking good. Gelato almost died on me this weekend. I don't know what her problem was, she was the one I've used a lot of peroxide on to kill the gnats. So I took her to the tub and flushed the heck out of her. Her leaves are starting to come back to life. The colour is good, but they were all so droopy it looked like she was a day from completely dieing. 24 hours after the flush about 50 percent of the leaves are perking up again.
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One of Bruce's buds mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm