New Grower 200/300w CFL Auto Masszar tent grow in UK garage (Journal)

Thanks Evilscotsman - will defo do that next time.

Not sure if this is growing very slowly or just feels like it because i'm checking it daily and anxious to succeed - or maybe its because the radiator cant keep temps up in the middle of the night? (No min/max thermometer but one coming next week). Every time I check them (6pm and 8am) they're at roughly 25 degrees and radiator isnt on - just heat from light (about 8" above soil). It has also been a relatively warm week here with day demps around 15-20 degrees and even night temps staying just below 10 degrees outside according to local weather forecasts/reports.

They broke the soil monday night and are still only maybe an inch tall max, very thin and fragile looking stem with 4 small leaves on saturday night - looking a bit like a 4 leaf clover - should they be growing quicker than this? I'll post pics in the morning when i get off work.
Ok guys, advice and guidance needed please. Here are the pics of my girls at exactly 1 week since they broke the soil. They are TINY - but i'm not sure how big they should be at this stage...could someone with experience chime in and tell me whether i should be seeing more growth or am i being impatient?

They do seem to be a little bit slow, is that straight coco or coco mix? I like to keep my temperatures at a steady 26 to 27 while my seedlings are young.

I use LEDs but that would probably be safe with fluorescent because I don't think you get all the ir radiation with fluorescents.

I also like the humidity Dome over my seedlings for the first 2 or 3 days unless I have stable humidity at 60% or above. I raise the Dome the minute I see the seedlings pop their head and then I raise it a little every day.

My guess is, if the color of the seedlings looks good is that your temperatures are getting lower at night and overall they're just a touch too low. But if your humidity is low than you might have some slow growth from that also.


Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st
thanks jingo! humi8dity is at 40%....increase it by putting bowl of water in tent?
Humidity of 40% isn't too bad, I think maybe a little plastic humidity Dome over each plant would help. In the states we got these clear plastic cups they make smoothies and Ice Cream drinks in, something like that propped up on top of say a couple pencils would help I think. You just want to allow a little air flow underneath a humidity Dome, you can raise them up as the plant grows and ditch them completely once you're roots are well-established.

Where I'm currently growing
Where I'll be Nov 1st