New Grower 200/300w CFL Auto Masszar tent grow in UK garage (Journal)

The adventure has officially begun - seeds are in a glass of water - in 12 hours they will be transferred to a wet paper towel in a dark warm cupboard...fingers crossed from here on out!
tenor (12).gif

They are crossed, here we go!
Quick update, no shoot on seed as yet but had to moisten the paper towel again. temps with the light on are stable at 25 degrees and with radiator on max it was 35 degrees. (seeds not in tent at that point) Having said that, it's been a warm September day and the light is only 6-8 inches from the top of the soil.

The soil at the minute is clammy to touch - is this good or should it be wet to the touch? Seeds are on a plate in paper towel with bowl over the top to keep them in darkness.
Moist soil is good for seedlings. If you could pick up a handful and squeeze it, it would hold together we'll and no water would run out. It would not crumble into a powder in your hand, but you could break it up a bit with little effort.

If you set up a pot and it looks like what I'm illustrating, then you pick it up to judge the weight when it's just right. That will help you know when to water as you go along.

I think most Growers abandon measured water in favor of pot weight.
Hi Jingo, cheers for stopping by again.

Some good news, the other seed has sprouted and been planted.

Some bad news maybe - i've got the pots sat in a couple of washing up bowls and noticed that the pots are sat in water that has drained out the bottom. I'm guessing this shouldn't be a problem and the plants/soil will just soak it up but not to water again till that has happened?
hey buddy just had a wee flick through there. glad youve finally taken the plunge to grow your own herbs. youll never look back now : )
the reason we leave the bucket of water overnight is to evaporate the chlorine from it wich can slow the growth rate down. easiest way to germ, as elle pointed out, is root riots. costs a tenner for 20 odd of them and you just put the seed in, leave it anywhere other than the fridge and ouiala . no water, no fannying about with paper,baggies, heaters and whatever else people do. keep it simple : ) hope it all goes well for you mate. if you need anything never be shy to ask : )