Outdoor Off the beaten path- uk guerrilla grow

Ok, time for another little update. The Critical Chaze seedling that was looking suspect showed no further development and was deteriorating, so in an act of mercy, the towel was thrown in and it was pulled.
The other 6 Flash super autos were fine if not a little small due to their environmental conditions (crammed into the sides of a full photo mum/cutting cab under a 150w cfl) and so spent their first day and night outdoors in the polytunnel yesterday. Checked on them today and they look happy enough
View attachment 571561 The top row is Critical Chaze, the bottom Nirvana Sky. All around day 25, still just being fed PM Root Stim.
View attachment 571562 Nirvana Sky#2
This has made a little more room for the Mephistos, which are coming along ok apart from being a bit stretchy. Updates on those later.
Thanks for looking in, hope you're all well and enjoying watching your own plants grow:smokeout:
they're looking lovely bro! do you recommend the Root Stim? At what point did you start using it?
Cheers mate, it depends on the soil you're using but I'd recommend using some sort of root stimulant during the plant's early life, and plant magic's is good stuff. I give it to them as soon as they have true leaves, just in very low concentration - 0.5ml/l at the start and bump it up slowly, they're currently on 1ml/l. I think the PM soil is classed as a light mix so we'll see how they go.
Yeah, we've all done it lol. It's not a necessity though and there are cheaper alternatives, but root stim is one product that I do use. It's also good to use after transplanting or any other plant stress, and can be used as a foliar feed too.
A little update on the Mephistos as promised. They're certainly appreciating the extra room and light under the cfl but didn't get off to the best of starts, so are a little underdeveloped but healthy nonetheless. Heading out to the polytunnel tomorrow.
hbss#1.jpg HBSS#1 approx. 6" tall
fe#1.jpg FE#1 approx. 5" tall. Both around day 18
The other HubbaBubba and Fantasmo are a little behind these, as is the trifoliate SODK, but hopefully they will get a wriggle on when they go in the tunnel as the Flash plants have. Speaking of which, I'm looking at getting those planted out this week and in about another week planting the Mephistos out, so not long until they'll all be out there :headbang:
Nice selection of beans man, looks like you're off to a good start. Hope you get a good season.

I dig that little three-leaves seedling with down syndrome, looks awesome haha! Is it still throwing three leaves per node?
@TheBadKid Thanks man, the weather forecast for the next couple of months is good, so fingers crossed they're right. Unfortunately they don't have a very good track record lol.
The trifoliate SODK is still putting out 3 leaves but she is a bit slow and isn't very big yet, hopefully she'll pick up now with a bit more light.
Postponed putting them out in the tunnel today as it was hot and sunny, tomorrow is forecast to be overcast so will be a better day for the job :thumbsup:
Looking good - we've been having some pretty cold nights (air temps) but with the soil getting a lot of sunshine I'm not to worried about cold snaps as long as the soil stays warm. TBH I've never seen a weather forecast that was accurate for longer than a week, though I do admire your optimism :D