New Grower My second grow- Barneys Farm L.S.D and Nirvana Aurora Indica

:vibe:Captains Bong 10/22/15- Well I leave for 2 days and come back to my girls and oh my how they have grown! They have doubled in size in 2 days... They are off to the fast and furious... AND GUESS WHO GOT THEIR FIRST PUBES!!!!! That is right the first pistols have emerged in 3 possibly 4 spots on both Aurora and Layne (L.s.D). In the morning I am going to split a gallon between them and I upped the SeaGrow 16-16-16 to a full TSP.. as usual I hope they love it which I am sure they will, I already have it mixed and ph'd to 6.8. I am worn out I will do another entry tomorrow. Much luv guys and have a mellow night.:vibe:


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Welp it is the 25th I went to the roost long enough to feed and spend the night with the gals. I fixed the pots they were in because they were out growing them, then I left again. I am going back this evening to feed again,switch to flowering feed and change light cycle to 12/12. Talk to you guys then.
:vibe:Welp today is day 30 for the Aurora & Layne (L.s.D) and they are looking pretty good just a quick entry. Both of the girls are showing pistols in about 5 to 6 spots so as of now day 30, I have switched nutes to 4-26-26 SeaGrow and the 12/12 cycle has now started! This should be interesting! Here are some quick pics!! Good Night guys I will do another entry tomorrow when I have more time. Much Luv and have a mellow night!:vibe:

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Hey guys wanted to do a quick entry for today and just put up a pic. Girls are doing well they were starting to show a little cal/mag def but we fixed that doing excellent and stankin my house up. Much luv guys have a mellow night. As soon as I can going to do a nice long entry. Posting this one from phone.


:vibe:Captains Bong- 10/30/15- I would have got this post up last night but I was having issues with my inline, a piece I had rigged broke and was letting the stink get out so I decided to go for directly in the tent hole and use duck tape to connect the filter to the fan as for some reason Ven-Tech... Even if you buy the damn combo does NOT FIT WITH THE FILTER and I must say fuck Ven-Tech. I will be getting a different inline that actually fits and is not a piece of shit... it goes in but is all uneven. I finally got it hung and working but I damn near took down my whole tent in the process. Now to my lovely ladies!!! They are 35 days old today and SHEWWWWWWWWWW they both are stinking up the joint! I have had them in flower for 5 days and the growth is really crazy, they are getting huge and still have a good deal of stretching to go. I ran into a Cal/Mag problem but I just went ahead and upped the dosage to 1 and 1/2 TSP per gallon along with the 1 TSP of 4-26-26 SeaGrow also now I am not feeding Great-White with every feeding I would like to but that shit is just to expensive so I decided to give them that about every 2 weeks. The increase Cal-Mag fixed the little spots that were popping up it was not that bad but wanted to go ahead and "nip it in the bud" lol. Here are the pics of the day as well as a pic of my stash box, I took it 2 or 3 weeks ago I meant to upload it and forgot I will also include the pic of the inline fan and the new hang job. Have a good one guys much luv and have a mellow night!:vibe:


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Captains Bong- 10/31/15- Well I think for the last 2 feedings I have messed up by switching to the 4-26-26 to early. I have been really sick the last few days my teeth are messed up and hurting but atm that is the least of my worries. Anyway the next feed I am going to switch back to the 3 16 until they start to get the fluffy flowers and then switch back to the 26, they are showing some signs of N def but thankfully it has only been 2 feedings and they are big enough now that I am going to give them each a full gallon of 3 16 with a tsp each also with a tsp and a half of cal mag plus, also thankfully the cal mag plus I have is 2% Nitro so they are getting a little and that is better than nothing. I am going to let them get nice and dry that will be Monday morning probably, I will updAte with pics then, so I will see you guys Monday. Much love and have a mellow day!
:vibe:Captains Bong-11/1/15- Good Lawdy Aurora and Layne (L.s.D) are stinking to the heavens Layne is about a 1-1/2-F.t tall and skinny. Aurora is a little under 1-1/2F.t and has a serious boosh... seriously it is out of control she is so fluff and bushy. We went back a little bit today, I think I started them on 4-26-26 to early but it was only for 2 feedings and only a half a gallon each so today I went ahead and switched them back to the 16-16-16 a full gallon of 6.8 each with 1-Tsp of the 16-16-16 SeaGrow and 1 and 1/2-Tsp of Cal-Mag Plus, this will be the girls first full gallon! I am going to keep them on the 3 16 until they start showing some fluff bud and then make the switch back to the 4-26-26. Today it is day 37 and with the exception of some minor leaf discolorations and one or two abnormal looking leafs they look very healthy and happy. I am going to post up some pics and then lay down. I have been having a rough few days. Good-Night guys much luv and have a mellow night!:vibe:


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:vibe:Captains Bong-11/4/15- Lawdy Lawdy it is day 40 and the girls are getting big on me.... It is a very very tight squeeze in the tent REALLY TIGHT. The Aurora is so bushy that I am going to have to make a few snips to the fan leafs that are on the very bottom so I can get in there to water them both. I have been taking them out and putting them on a DIY water stand/rack/drain so I can give them a good soak but they are just getting to big and it is to hard to get them back in the tent so I am going to be trimming some boosh here soon, anyway here are pics for today I took a bunch, have a mellow night guys and much luv!:vibe:


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