New Grower My second grow- Barneys Farm L.S.D and Nirvana Aurora Indica

Captains Bong-12/19/15- Well today was the final flush for the girls, they will be getting the big chop either tomorrow or the 22. During the first flush one of the lower small branches on the Aurora broke and I went ahead and cut it off and trimmed her up... all but the biggest bud is dry and I must say DaMn. The stone from her is almost full couch lock with good pain killer props and sedation.... I cannot wait to see what the LSD is like... I am getting really anxious here.... D-Day is upon us.... The last flush pics are below.... I will take some badass pics when I get ready to slice N dice N Hang.... Much Luv Guys and a Mellow night to all! :)


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12/20/15-Here are the new beans, we have some Black Cream Auto,Red Poison Auto,Blueberry Female Photo and some Frisian Duck. The next run is going to be some Red Poison in a 5 gallon smartie!!! I cannot wait!
New Beaner 001.jpg
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:pass:Captains Bong-12-/22/15- Well boys this ride has come to the end of the road, after 2 long ass days and many shoulder/trapz cramps later both the girls are cut and hanging . This has been one hell of a grow and both the Aurora and LSD have both lived up and surpassed my expectations. I did not take wet weight but my predictions are a 1-/1/2 good ounces out of the Aurora and 2 good ounces from the LSD, when dry I will post up some final pics & weight before I make the transfer into the C-Vaults. Total all together 87 days of life and 8 weeks of flowering. I will put up some smoke reports... Wait I have one for the Aurora already, she hits like a cinder block and then it is just mellow.... I actually really enjoy it, I have some samples of the LSD drying quickly so I will post up when I hit that as well. Mars II 700 did me really well... So did Barneys Farm and Nirvana... LSD from barneys and Aurora from Nirvana.... I am about to pass out here are some harvest pics guys thank you very much, and thank you to Sniper for putting up with my paranoid ass, and everyone in live help. Cant wait to get the next underway!:woohoo::vibe::dancer::drool:


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:vibe:Captains Bong-12/26/15- Well this grow officially has come to the end, I have not taken weight yet but my C-Vaults are both filled to the brim and they both hold about 3 ounces... Still a little drying to do and a little burping. My guesstimate on total dry weight is LSD 2-1/2-Oz and Aurora 2-Oz. Total growing time was 12 weeks with 8 of those weeks in flower. 4 and 1/2 days hanging in tent to dry with a humidity of 45 and now they have been moved to the C-Vaults for some curing.. The smells and tastes are AMAZING the LSD tastes very fruity and smells like really strong Apple Jolly Ranchers, the Aurora tastes like some kind of citrus I cannot pinpoint... and has a really strong smell of Kiwi, and smoke reports are they both knock you on your ass... 2 bong rips of both different days of course and I was ripped the LSD in particular is STRONG... I will add when I get the final DRY weight... Here are some pics to end the grow on...and again :thanks: to everyone that helped me nail this thing down..:vibe:
Aurora Budcicle Final-1.jpg
LSD Budcicle Final-2.jpg
Aurora Budcicle Chop-3.jpg
Aurora & LSD Final Dry-4.jpg

Nice grow :worship::worship:, did you move the lights as the plants were growing ???

The only time I changed the lights was at the very end and only because the LSD started to bleach on the very top a little bit. The whole grow the Mars II 700 was 28 inches I raised the last few weeks to about 33 inches to just keep from bleaching any further... and thank you :)
Captains Bong-12/28/15- The FINAL DRY WEIGHT- The LSD comes in at 3.6 ounces and the Aurora comes in at a even 2 Ounces. My guesstimate on the Aurora was right pretty much but DAMN the LSD really passed up what I thought she would, a great second grow and harvest,this officially concludes this grow. Thanks again guys. I will see you on my next one!:vibe::thanks::dancer::drool:
Captains Bong-3/23/16- Well I just wanted to add one last post and say that I have come to the end of my LSD and Aurora stash, over all it lasted me about 3 months so it really was a pretty good haul 3.6 Ounces for the LsD dry and a little over 2Oz from the Aurora... Here are the final farewell pics... Thank god I still have 4 beans of each left:fire::fire:



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