New Grower Raoul-Duke's First Grow, Northern Lights Auto, LEDs, Late Start

Yeeeaaaaaahh... I've been really shitty at keeping my logs up recently...86 grams wet. Her twin sister is looking to go another 20 days at least

...excellent grow bruv, beautiful girl!! I was just wondering when to cut down my plants too.. my trichs are lookin exactly like yours and yeah just a little amber.. so I figured I'd give em another week or so while I finish flushing. Let us know bout the smoke you get from the bud bro.. Cheers!! :slap:
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Here's what we have going:


Barabara is all jarred up. One jar was at 65RH and the other was at 68RH, so we're just doing a burp. Her trim went into the freezer with the rest of the trim and her popcorn will join them soon. Lucy will have her second hair cut soon and be jarred, and we'll see where she's at!

Might try a little of Barbara, for science purposes... :pass:

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Here's what we have going:

View attachment 754780

Barabara is all jarred up. One jar was at 65RH and the other was at 68RH, so we're just doing a burp. Her trim went into the freezer with the rest of the trim and her popcorn will join them soon. Lucy will have her second hair cut soon and be jarred, and we'll see where she's at!

Might try a little of Barbara, for science purposes... :pass:


Yes! You have to try some for science!
Well it's been a while since the last update. We dried for a week, and they've been curing for just over two weeks now. Here's some pics of the results.

Here's Lucy's final dry weight:

Here's Barbara's:

A pic of Barbara jarred (there's two more jars with Lucy but I guess I never took a pic):

Here's a nice little nug that would have gone in the NOM :face::

So from Lucy we got 34 grams and from Barabara we got 52 grams = 86 grams = ~3 ounces for 2 plants. And we got about just under an ounce of popcorn and trim from the two of them. Not bad for a first grow. :pass:

Now on to the most important part:


So I tried Barbara at different stages. Once right after harvest, once after a week of drying and various times during her two weeks of curing. At first all I got was a headache, after drying I could start to see her potential, very neutral high with some relaxation. Throughout the cure her potency, smell, and taste only got better. I would definitely classify her as a medicinal smoke. The high is pleasant and not overbearing, pure relaxation washes over you as stress and pain are washed away. She's great for insomnia and lack of appetite as well without paranoia or anxiousness. She has made her way into my regular smoking routine generally right after work and right before bed. The wife doesn't always like the really high highs so this was perfect for her as well.

Lucy was also tested at different stages but not as much as Barbara. I tried her right after harvest, after being dried and once at about a week into cure. Her high is a little different than Barabara's and Lucy's high hasn't changed too much since the first time I tried her. The first few minutes is a head buzz that can cause headaches and anxiety which quickly fades and after about 5 -10 minutes you feel the high starting to turn into more of a body high similar to Barbara's but not nearly as profound. I'll have to do some more "testing" but I don't think her smoke is going to get much better. I'm chalking it up to the time I harvested, as I said in a previous post, Lucy probably could have gone another two weeks at least.

So I think that pretty much does it for this journal. What a ride!


I've just started germing my next bean and will be starting a new journal shortly and I'll post a link here.

Thanks again for everyone's help and thanks for stopping by!!!