New Grower My second grow- Barneys Farm L.S.D and Nirvana Aurora Indica

:vibe:Captains Bong-11/5/15- After going to hell and back I finally found a 4inch clip fan that fits the pole in my tent and out of all the places I looked... which included- Walmart,Target,Ace and a shit ton of hardware stores I find it at the local Family Dollar for 5 bucks... Finally I can have some damn cool breeze blowing on the ladies with-out a big 3 foot tall slender bender taking up half of the grow area... Thank you baby jeebus for this blessing. The girls are doing awesome I just did a entry yesterday so not really any changes besides the fact that I took the huge ass fan I had in there out and put my little 4inch clip in there. Here are a couple pics much luv guys and have a mellow night!:vibe:


Aurora & L.s.D-Day-41-01.jpg Aurora & L.s.D-Day 41-02.jpg

Looking good you gonna get a pile of bud out of those 2 :pass:

Thank ya... I have busted my ass with these, I know it is not really a big deal but it is to me damnit lol... It means a-lot that they get the Sniper Stamp.:pass::cheers::hookah:
:vibe:Captains Bong-11/7/15- My gals are doing well today was there last SeaGrow 3-16 the next feed will be the 4-26-26. I had to buy some more Cal-Mag Plus and more GH-Ph-Up it will be here in a couple days. I was going to trim the Aurora because she is getting really bushy but I went ahead and just took off about 3 or 4 leafs that were dead from the main stalk at the very bottom, the L.s.D is tall and does not need trimming thankfully. I have my tent stretched out every way it can go especially where the bottom vents are at the cords are pulled out as far as they can go and tied off to the wall so when the inline is on it pulls tight and gives some extra width while on it sucks the tent in and takes away a lot of my room in there, so this is actually a easy fix. The Aurora is budding up and starting to chunk.. she is a little ahead growing wise than the L.s.D... but the L.s.D is not far behind and they both are literally the exact same age so it should be cool to see who does what and finishes first. I must say that both of these plants are pretty damn tough because when I take them in and out to water them, especially when I put them back in there I have to bend the branches and get in elbow deep to do so and they really deal with it well, which ever position they are put in they just contort and twist and grow like they need to grow. This is turning into a great grow still got a ways to go we are almost half way!!! Here are abunch of pics, much luv and have a mellow night guys!:vibe:


Aurora-Day- 43-1.jpg L.s.D-Day-43-2.jpg L.s.D-Day-43-3.jpg L.s.D-Day-43-4.jpg Aurora-Day-43-5.jpg L.s.D-Day-43-6.jpg Aurora-Day-43-7.jpg Aurora-Day-43-8.jpg Aurora-Day-43-9.jpg Aurora & L.s.D-Day-43-10.jpg

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:vibe:Captains Bong-11/11/15- Trying to get my lame phone to work with this Laptop not to mention I hate Windows 8, anyway this is what I had to do as I am at my lovely girlfriends and the laptop is better than staring at the phone. The girls are doing EXCELLENT Aurora is already starting to bud up and is getting very....very frosty the L.s.D is a little behind on budding but she is starting to take off... L.s.D is TALL, so tall I may have to move the light up. I switched the feed yesterday from 3-16 to 4-26-26. They both seem to be frosting up on top.. the Auroras buds are slightly bigger than the L.S.D but DAMN!! There are tons of budding sights on both plants and I cannot wait for them both to kick off.... Here are some pics.. Much Luv Guys and have a mellow night.:vibe:

Aurora-001.jpg Aurora-002.jpg Aurora-003.jpg Aurora & L.s.D-004.jpg Aurora & L.s.D-005.jpg

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:vibe:Captains Bong-11/12/15- Well the last time I checked on the girls was the 10th, I came home today and WOW they have went at it HAWRD... Both the Aurora and the L.s.D are going into full flower now and are chunknuggin up and getting VERY VERY FROSTY. Tomorrow is feed day, I will take some good pics then but for now I got a quick snapshot of the girls right before lights out. Much luv guys and have a mellow night!!:vibe::worship:.


Aurora & L.s.D-Day-48.jpg
Captains Bong-11/13/15- :vibe:This really has been a great grow. My last grow was autos and it was also my first. The Russian Dragons I got about a solid ounce out of both plants, which in my opinion was a total win, I still have some of the smoke curing and it is knockin people on their ass! Now into the Aurora and L.S.D, they have been in full flower for about 3 days now and they look and smell fantastic and I could not be happier as this is my first grow with photos, I am really happy with the strains I picked and I can't wait to try them out. The Aurora is really bushy and has some stretched out branches while the L.s.D is slim but very tall almost touching the light and they both are getting very chunky and frosty. I will check in tomorrow getting ready to munch out and then pass out! Much luv guys and have a mellow night!:vibe:

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:vibe:Captains Bong-11/14/15- Wanted to throw in a entry for today, I am getting back into to the swing of things as far as keeping up with the Journal. Aurora and Layne (L.s.D) are doing great it is day 50 for the girls and they have had 2 full feedings of the 4-26-26 SeaGrow they seem to be making the transition to flower nicely. They are getting really frosty and stank, more so I notice that the Nirvana Aurora Indica, which is a Northern Light/Afgan cross is getting super frost and smells amazing while the Barneys Farm L.s.D which is a Skunk #1/Mazar cross has a.. funny smell that I can't really pinpoint and the sugar leafs are turning purple which make the trichomes look awesome. They both are still stretching the L.s.D is about 2 and 1/2 feet tall while the Aurora is probably 2ft even. I had to get some more Cal-Mag Plus from BotaniCare if you need Cal-Mag go with BotaniCare Cal-Mag Plus it is fantastic. I had to get some more General Hydroponics PH UP solution as well I went ahead and got a quart of it. I find that BotaniCare,General Hydroponics and Grow More the company that makes SeaGrow and ProMix-BX along with some Dolomite Lime are all the tools one needs to make some Stank. Maybe down the line I will switch stuff up but for now I love SeaGrow and BotaniCare.....WAIT I FORGOT ABOUT SUMMIN... Lol I almost forgot about the Great-White made by Plant Revolution it is very expensive 4oz cost me 40$ BUT if you can afford it... I like to call it ROOT ROIDS it will make your plants take off and develop a crazy strong root system the stuff stinks to high hell though lol but it is worth it. I got 2 pics today,feed day is not until Monday but I am sure I will snap a few more pics tomorrow but for now here are the 2 I took a few minutes ago. Much luv guys and have a mellow night.:vibe:


Aurora & L.s.D-Day-50-01.jpg Aurora & L.s.D-Day-50-02.jpg

:vibe:Captians Bong-11/16/15- Well both the Aurora and L.S.D are starting to get some big old frosty nuggies! They are Gettin ripe with luv, the L.s.D has a very sharp melon smell while the Aurora seriously smells like a skunk lol, in any event they both smell wonderfully magically delicious. I am on my phone so gonna keep this short I will do a more detailed entry on Thursday when it's feed time again. Much luv guys have a mellow night!:vibe:

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:vibe:Captains Bong-11/19/15- Well today is day 55 and we are getting some Red Hair's on both the Aurora and the L.s.D. I said before that the Aurora smelled like STRAIGHT SKUNK.. While the L.s.D smells like a fruity skunk lol. They both are doing wonderful. I was worried that I was going to have to prune some but the leafs that were in the way are falling off near the base of the stalks so really they are taking care of themselves. I am actually glad they are thinning out so some of the lower branches on the aurora can get some damn light..For the most part they all are getting good lightage but there is 1 branch on the Aurora that is lacking and I can tell because of the color of the leafs just a really light green but the buds on the branch still look good so to hell with it. I took a bunch of pics... so far so good I am really happy thus far with this grow and hopefully it just keeps gettin better. Much luv guys and have a mellow night!:vibe:


L.s.D-Day- 55-1.jpg L.s.D-Day-55-2.jpg L.s.D-Day-55-3.jpg Aurora-Day-55-4.jpg Aurora-Day-55-5.jpg Aurora-Day-55-6.jpg Aurora & L.s.D-Day-55-7.jpg Aurora & L.s.D-Day-55-8.jpg
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They look great gonna be a bigger harvest than the last
Buds look nice and thick :pass: