New Grower Mephisto Genetics PC microgrow

looking good,just keep bending it will be grand.
Thanks @archie gemmill ! We appreciate it. This strain is going to probably be a mainstay for us when we grow in tiny spaces. Definitely could bush it out with dwc. After not doing soil for a year, the one of us who grows a lot is quite pleased. Its pretty much growing itself. Later today we will have photos. We are going to use pipecleaners to keep training it soon
Day 22, shea taking off even more. We really wish we had a bigger place to grow it.
Having some problems with the camera, everything has halo vision because one of us broke our phone camera.
Day 23, we need a new camera badly! There are the first signs of nitrogen toxicity going on so we will be changing to just a pk feed for a little while until the nitrogen buildup is gone.

Day 32 of hopefully 55 to 60. Half way or more! Sorry we haven't updated everyone in 9 days but she's growing well. We had problems finding and using good wire to train so we are using gorilla tape as its working the best. We had one of our lowest branches rip in half at the node and one bend in the corner of the grow case we used gorilla tape on both and both healed up well.
Here's photos

Case and its clear side before training with splinting of the node

Plant post training (still growing into the light and top of box no matter what we do)

Healed node (very bottom center node, you can barely see it.)

More post training



Some preflowers


looking are known for being a bit pernickity delicate as a rule,but at the same time we can be a bit brutal with them.looks as though there more room if you lay the pot on its gonna have to get brutal with this one,either that or chop the top half off and we dont want to do that.
bend bend a lil more,come back in half an hour and bend it some more.i dont do it at all myself (lazy) garden wire its a thick green stuff,pipe cleaners,velcro strips or good old fashioned twine can be used.even cable ties at a push,if it snaps tape it up.

a lot of great lil grows in here pc cases,speakers,buckets and mini tents some mighty fine growers aswell.
keep er lit.
looking are known for being a bit pernickity delicate as a rule,but at the same time we can be a bit brutal with them.looks as though there more room if you lay the pot on its gonna have to get brutal with this one,either that or chop the top half off and we dont want to do that.
bend bend a lil more,come back in half an hour and bend it some more.i dont do it at all myself (lazy) garden wire its a thick green stuff,pipe cleaners,velcro strips or good old fashioned twine can be used.even cable ties at a push,if it snaps tape it up.

a lot of great lil grows in here pc cases,speakers,buckets and mini tents some mighty fine growers aswell.
keep er lit.
Thanks we will lay it sideways. We weren't thinking about that. So just stand it up and take it out when we water then correct?
yep,but keep trying to bend the top back down to the pot.give the stem some lil squeezes over about an inch till it kinda softens a bit,makes it easier to bend back on itself about 90 degrees is that a few times and the plant should be a bit more compact,or at least spaced out away from the light rather than it making a bee line for the light.
keep er lit.
yep,but keep trying to bend the top back down to the pot.give the stem some lil squeezes over about an inch till it kinda softens a bit,makes it easier to bend back on itself about 90 degrees is that a few times and the plant should be a bit more compact,or at least spaced out away from the light rather than it making a bee line for the light.
keep er lit.
Thanks so much for all your help @archie gemmill even though the one of us is an experienced grower, small spaces are totally different from bigger spaces. Here's our photo for the day. How does this look?
Day 33