Photoperiod McDee's Malawi Madness

You must have read my mind. I was just saying need to post some pics lol. I ran some pH'd plain water 2 gallons, then 1 gallon of nutrients. Got both soil pH up to 6, and 5.9. The 2nd plant received silica, and I dropped part B from 2g's to 1.8g's. I did some supercropping last night, and getting ready to top them. The smaller 1 needs to get a little bigger so when I top them they can be the same size. I haven't looked at them yet today, I am making my way there lol. I would loke to top today, but I gotta look and see if I can get them lined up. I saw these plant trainers on Amazon that I'm very interested in. Very simpler may be what I sawon yours. Is this what I saw on your lady?


The thing I like is these hold in place. A lot of time they can almost straighten back up this will stop that. I will put up some pics soon whether I top today, or not. For now it's time to do some dabs...
You must have read my mind. I was just saying need to post some pics lol. I ran some pH'd plain water 2 gallons, then 1 gallon of nutrients. Got both soil pH up to 6, and 5.9. The 2nd plant received silica, and I dropped part B from 2g's to 1.8g's. I did some supercropping last night, and getting ready to top them. The smaller 1 needs to get a little bigger so when I top them they can be the same size. I haven't looked at them yet today, I am making my way there lol. I would loke to top today, but I gotta look and see if I can get them lined up. I saw these plant trainers on Amazon that I'm very interested in. Very simpler may be what I sawon yours. Is this what I saw on your lady?

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The thing I like is these hold in place. A lot of time they can almost straighten back up this will stop that. I will put up some pics soon whether I top today, or not. For now it's time to do some dabs...
Basically the same thing. Different brand I think
OK, I could wait it's been killing me lol. I topped them. 1st before we get into all that you know what time it is... its time to get lifted. Dabbing on some of the Blue Dream i posted earlier. Now that im elevated we can continue i hope you're with me. I topped the 1st at the 5th node, the other at the 6th. They're a bit closer in height now which is what I wanted. I will let them go some before I put the net on. Looking at them not sure I will be topping a 2nd time like I was planning originally. Now the fun begins... I love training plants. My anal detailing comes out, and I can spend an hr just bending branches. It gets to be an obsession for me. I've been known to get a little rough with them :naughtystep:, but deep down they love it hahaha. Here they are before the topping.


Here are the tops


Here They're topped


I will let them recover next few days. Net will be going up soon maybe by the end of the week so stay tuned! Till the next time...

Stay lifted

Yeah buddy. They’re getting big. When’s the flip coming.
TBD I need to do some measuring once net is in. Flying by the seat of my pants as usual. I'm better at adapting than planning, so going to start to push them outward. I have no idea what kinda of stretch this equatorial landrace will have, or how long it will be. So gonna have to play out in real-time. For the 1st 1-2 weeks of flower I will be giving them mkp. This is new to me, but from what I got is this is only needed to stop vegetative state, and start flower. That is why only the 1st 2 weeks. If I have this incorrect please correct me. So I don't know if it will effect stretch time??? Still getting use to photo vs. auto. I turn my light up to 60% so let see how they do, but once the net goes up flip won't be far behind my friend.

Back with an update hope everyone is in the proper state of mind, if not join me in a little sesh. :jointman: Im dabbing some Whiskey Zulu from Mendocino Twenty20. Now that I'm at the correct elevation I feel right! I have the net ready to go planning to connect the front tomorrow at some point. I haven't checked them since this morning, lights just came back on about 45 mins ago. Net won't be secure yet I want to be able to pull them out to water as long as I can. Once they start using the net I will just water them in the tent. I am basically doing a hand ebb & flow currently. When I feed I put them on a milk create in my stationary tub, and let them drain into sink. Trying to keep salt from building up. Once I start watering in the tent I will feed plain pH'd water every 3rd feeding. I won't be able to pullout, and flush so need to keep things from building up with a longer grow.

I went, and topped the bigger girl a 2nd time. This will slow her some more let those bottom branches stretch up. It also got her just about if not even with her sister. Also I didn't add any kelp, I saw some tip burn and it's not needed. Trying not to have to cut the base. Both got silica as well. Going to go check if the need a drink tonight, or if it will need to wait till tomorrow. Here they are before, and after the topping. Lady on the left got the 2nd topping.


Anybody know when the best time to clean out the bottom? Right now they are right up to the net, about to start bending under net. Should I wait till just before flip, or can I do it now? It would be nice to do it while I can pull them out, and get better access. I hear people say they cut, and it grows back so don't want to waste time doing now. Any thoughts please let me hear them. I think that's it, but I'm a little stoned and can't remember lol. So until next time...

Stay lifted
