Photoperiod McDee's Malawi Madness

I love it. I always got it pointing diagonally across the top of the canopy and if my tent is closed up all the tops will be slightly moving around at 5. I never hear it over my extraction fan lol. But thats always running at 60%
The clip actually works what a concept lol. :rofl:
Welcome back, and thanks for stopping. Happy Friday all winter is back here today.:snow2:

Yesterday was in the 70's, and today it's currently 36°f out lol. Now that the weather report is done its about that time... time to get lifted! I hope you can join along with me, I couldn't wait and pressed the last of my Lemon AK. I'm gonna have to do that 1 again soon.


Today is day 28 of flower, and things look a little different in the tent.

I am a little concerned how yellow the plant on the right is. I thought it would green up more after giving the Jacks again. I can't give them to much tho so kinda stuck in a bad spot. Trichs started to show up about 4-5 days ago. No smell in the tent until you move them. Then you get a sweet smell slightly in the air, your hands have a stronger smell after touching. I thought they would take longer to develop, but perhaps the extra time is in the ripening.


I didn't see the hairs until after the pics lol. I was running out of time before light went out. That's about it for now so until next time...

Stay lifted

Yeah they are moving fast. Perhaps you’ll just get a nice big harvest if they keep it up and go for as long as they say.
:shrug: as long as I got something even a sample for 420 I'll be happy. They look like they could fatten up, shit they got the time lol. We gonna find out in the next 2 months.
McDee , have not grown Malawi , I have grown Golden Tiger 3 or 4 years ago , I would love to grow more of Ace seeds gear , but Ace do not ship to Australia .
Golden Tiger V3 is an awesome, fire strain you might try if you haven't already.