Photoperiod McDee's Malawi Madness

I was going to recommend a small heater but it appears to be discontinued! You may be able to find one on Amazon still. I like the Honeywell Heatbud. It's a desktop heater but enough for a small tent. It runs 125W on low and 250W on high setting so it shouldn't trip a breaker or add too much additional amp load to a tent of stuff. It should only be ~$30, I saw a few people gouging $60 and listed it as "collectible."
I have the heat lamp on 15hrs a day. Only goes out over night. Don't like leaving it on when I'm asleep just incase. If I could uave got that tube heater from the UK I would be in way better spot. Just to much money right now. I have to email them see if price has come down.
Hey McD':pass:.... how cold is it at lights off? The problem with too cold is it jams up nutrient uptake and metabolism, even if there's plenty around... Cold "feet", warmer tops are a bad combo, the busy topside isn't getting what it needs for "supply" below... it takes some hours for the soil/medium to get up to temp.
Do you have anything under the tent for insulation? I use foiled bubble wrap insulation for water heaters as a base/alternately, those 4x2 foil sided styro panels are excellent as well... The bubble wrap could be cut-to-fit inside the tent as well. I know folks may use those seedling heat mats under pots to help as well.
The other hitch is air temp of course, turn over rates and such,... no need for a rapid exchange all the time under such conditions, slow it down if you can so the air in there can warm up...

NMK is a true jungle bitch, this African landrace may not appreciate cool T's much, something else to consider.

If it gets bad, some foliar treatments may help get defc's knocked back some; it's a ball ache in this situation I know, so more judicious applications with a small spray bottle may be called for... Ca-Mg, Si, fulvic is a good mix, half strength; wetting agent a must, as is spraying the undersides of the leaves, more stomata are located there vs. top side, so more gets in...
The advantage here is bypassing the root system, direct injection if you will!
Lately low is 64°f, but it was as low as 58°f. I do have a seedling mat I will get underneath them. I have Calmag from Greenleaf, and AN. Is Si silica cant remember? I have humic acid not fulvic acid, can I substitute that for fulvic? MOG recommended that in a previous grow to help take up more nutrients. I have this surfactant can I use this?


I use for my sprayer for my yard, and it's sitting. I planned on getting some Yucca, but will take 7-10 days to get. I'm not sure how much to mix. Silica, and Calmag are dry and humic is liquid. Any guidance on amount would be appreciated as much as the rest of advice already given.
Lately low is 64°f, but it was as low as 58°f. I do have a seedling mat I will get underneath them. I have Calmag from Greenleaf, and AN. Is Si silica cant remember? I have humic acid not fulvic acid, can I substitute that for fulvic? MOG recommended that in a previous grow to help take up more nutrients. I have this surfactant can I use this
That's not too bad, but enough to cause hiccups especially if it doen't get much warmer, faster... All that water in the soil makes for slow warm-up's.
Most products are humic-fulvic (go to the Infirmary, Reference section; great article of h-f's will explain much), so that's fine... fulvic has the advantage in foliar because it's small enough to be taken directly into the cells, humic is too large... Fulvic is then used as a C source internally,... Lots of pluses with h-f's though, you'll see!

That surfactant is fine; the idea is to take the surface tension out of the solution, so it coats and covers evenly, doesn't just bead up... More surface area
coated = more absorbed :thumbsup:
As a general rule for foliar, use at half strength/third str. of what the label's dosing says... pH adjust to someplace in the 6's if needed.... 2-3 applications over a week... do it early lights on to avoid tempting fungal invasion, ease the lights down too temporarily while wet if you can....
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That's not too bad, but enough to cause hiccups especially if it doen't get much warmer, faster... All that water in the soil makes for slow warm-up's.
Most products are humic-fulvic (go to the Infirmary, Reference section; great article of h-f's will explain much), so that's fine... fulvic has the advantage in foliar because it's small enough to be taken directly into the cells, humic is too large... Fulvic is then used as a C source internally,... Lots of pluses with h-f's though, you'll see!

That surfactant is fine; the idea is to take the surface tension out of the solution, so it coats and covers evenly, doesn't just bead up... More surface area
coated = more absorbed :thumbsup:
As a general rule for foliar, use at half strength/third str. of what the label's dosing says... pH adjust to someplace in the 6's if needed.... 2-3 applications over a week... do it early lights on to avoid tempting fungal invasion, ease the lights down too temporarily while wet if you can....
THANK YOU!!!!! :thanks: :worship:

I will definitely go take a look. I knew something was wrong they just didn't look right. Should I add humic to my normal feed regiment? I have stuff kinda hanging out, I've been trying to follow K.I.S.S. and use a simple little as possible feed. Just been giving them the 3-part Jacks, and silica. I cut out the kelp because I saw the tips were burnt. I felt the more stuff i was giving them, the more chance I had to mess them up. I used to use AN & a lot of their extras buds candy you name it. I didn't know there was an order to mixing nutrients . I did it total out of order, and didn't wait inbetween adding them. I'm sure I was using to much as well, I know I was always had burnt tips. Funny thing is doing all that shit wrong I had amazing lady's. I switched to Megacrop, and now Jacks started mixing properly and my grows have SUCKED compared. I don't understand it. I know far more now than then, and I can't get out of my own way lol. I think it was the cold not as much me, but it's like a bad dream I wake to only wake again from the same bad dream. It's actually been WAY warmer here than usual. I normally only have my heat lamp on at lights out. It was 58°f here yesterday. Ok, I'm don't batching thanks for all you help.

Stay lifted
@Waira I read that info interesting. I knew they were connected in some way. I happened to read the next post, and you said to use Ful-power. It was small enough for foliar spary. Is this what you were talking about?


This what I have, a big ass bottle I think it's a gallon. This is what MOG told me to grab. I looked at it upside-down, and only saw the humic acid at the bottom lol. I get confused because of the Ful part in the name. Just got it like at the end of the grow before my last grow. This is what he said would help uptake more nutrients. Hopefully I can use this in a foliar spary.
:headbang:-- It is fulvic, some sort of stoopid CA regulations (maybe elsewhere too) made them have to change the label to sell in certain states... Excellent stuff, one of the best actually- :thumbsup:
They make Ful-Humic, a dry h-f powder that crazy concentrated and cheap too... 100g bag will last years coz an 1/8tsp of it fully dissolved will make a gallon of water look like coffee!
As you read in the article, h-f chelates nute ions, keeping them from cross reacting and getting bound into forms that the plant can't use, or may not be water soluble anymore... Fulvic and whatever is chelated in it is taken fully into the cells...
Humic does more for the soil per se,... h-f has many benefits as you saw!
A few drops of nutes won't hurt either, BTW, along with the Ca-Mg and Si,...
:headbang:-- It is fulvic, some sort of stoopid CA regulations (maybe elsewhere too) made them have to change the label to sell in certain states... Excellent stuff, one of the best actually- :thumbsup:
They make Ful-Humic, a dry h-f powder that crazy concentrated and cheap too... 100g bag will last years coz an 1/8tsp of it fully dissolved will make a gallon of water look like coffee!
As you read in the article, h-f chelates nute ions, keeping them from cross reacting and getting bound into forms that the plant can't use, or may not be water soluble anymore... Fulvic and whatever is chelated in it is taken fully into the cells...
Humic does more for the soil per se,... h-f has many benefits as you saw!
A few drops of nutes won't hurt either, BTW, along with the Ca-Mg and Si,...
Awesome stuff as usual thanks for the knowledge. I'm new to the foliar spraying, I've done it I have Mircoblast Earth Juice(another MOG recommendation) but after I used it my runoff pH was really low. I haven’t used it since. Can I spray same day I hand feed, or should it be different days? I just looked at ful-power and it has foliar spray directions same with the AN calmag. Should I use those or still cutby 2, or 3?
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Late veg
Welcome back, and thanks for stopping! Things look like they're get back on track. Before we get into that it's about that time... time to get lifted. Join me in a quick sesh if you can. I'm dabbing on some Blue Dream from Garden of Green. :hookah:

They're doing much better over the last few days. Thanks to @Waira guidance on a foliar spray they have responded quickly. Saturday night I gave them a foliar application.


Here is the 1 from the right side before I sprayed. The white grow bag is a 7gal for some scale.


I sprayed them down, made sure not to forget to spray the undersides too. I repositioned them under the net, and wove them back through.


I put my seedling mat under them to help keep the roots warmer. I also started lollipoping in prep for flip.

Here they are today 36hr later.


I left some of the bigger fan leaves in the front for now. They will be gone soon I figured leave them to grab as much light as they can for a few more days. Not sure when to flip as ive heard when the screen is 75% filled. I'm not sure if that's means when there is a top, or after it has grown up some. I know there will be a stretch, but with slow growth will that limit the stretch? Still have some tops below with others above. Net is about filled so gonna be soon 1 way or another lol. They were feed about a gallon each Sunday night. I added some calmag, and ful-power to the mix. That's all I got for now till next time...

Stay lifted

Welcome back, and thanks for stopping! Things look like they're get back on track. Before we get into that it's about that time... time to get lifted. Join me in a quick sesh if you can. I'm dabbing on some Blue Dream from Garden of Green. :hookah:

They're doing much better over the last few days. Thanks to @Waira guidance on a foliar spray they have responded quickly. Saturday night I gave them a foliar application.

View attachment 1558762
Here is the 1 from the right side before I sprayed. The white grow bag is a 7gal for some scale.

View attachment 1558763

I sprayed them down, made sure not to forget to spray the undersides too. I repositioned them under the net, and wove them back through.

View attachment 1558764View attachment 1558765

I put my seedling mat under them to help keep the roots warmer. I also started lollipoping in prep for flip.

Here they are today 36hr later.

View attachment 1558768View attachment 1558769

I left some of the bigger fan leaves in the front for now. They will be gone soon I figured leave them to grab as much light as they can for a few more days. Not sure when to flip as ive heard when the screen is 75% filled. I'm not sure if that's means when there is a top, or after it has grown up some. I know there will be a stretch, but with slow growth will that limit the stretch? Still have some tops below with others above. Net is about filled so gonna be soon 1 way or another lol. They were feed about a gallon each Sunday night. I added some calmag, and ful-power to the mix. That's all I got for now till next time...

Stay lifted

According to Ace they like to stretch so I’d be flipping very soon. With indica or low stretch plants I like to let the net fill 75% and they usually fill they tent perfectly. I haven’t used a net in while but It’s basically the same.
According to Ace they like to stretch so I’d be flipping very soon. With indica or low stretch plants I like to let the net fill 75% and they usually fill they tent perfectly. I haven’t used a net in while but It’s basically the same.
That's my question... are they gonna blow up? Because they have been slow thus far. Did you flip once there was a top was in the 75% of the net, or did you get to 75% let them grow up then flip? That's where I get lost haven't found specific instructions about this. All I ever see is flip at 75% full.