Photoperiod McDee's Malawi Madness

Ok I was just wondering bevause I vegged mine for 40 days and all of them have roots going through the bottom on my 5 gal rs bags. I was thinking about trying out smaller pots.
Looks like the roots just got to the bottom the 1, but not the other. At least i think they were. I had a little bit of some old roots stuck to the bottom at the start, so not sure if they were new or old lol. I just found out my runoff pH is to low so this should explain the slower growth. They will each a gallon tonight, and I will recheck the pH.
Looks like the roots just got to the bottom the 1, but not the other. At least i think they were. I had a little bit of some old roots stuck to the bottom at the start, so not sure if they were new or old lol. I just found out my runoff pH is to low so this should explain the slower growth. They will each a gallon tonight, and I will recheck the pH.
No biggie, I was just wondering if youve done it before cuz Ive never done anything smaller than a 5 before.

FYI > with Mega Crop one part and ProMix HP I start watering with it right from the start in the solo cup, 1/2 of the recommended amount on the schedule on the Green Leaf site.

I kind of followed the age chart amounts fed And watch the color of the leaves. When I notice slight yellowing on the bottom leaves I up the feed by .5g/4L.

Through the grow I was roughly at their recommended amounts but two weeks before harvest I was at 7.5g/4L...

Well water and MH/HPS so no additional cal mag..

I did not notice any significant differences between the plants fed with General Hydroponics MaxiGro/Bloom and the ones fed Mega Crop, either in amounts fed or performance.

To be honest I'm not a fan of the 1 part. I have versions 1 & 2, and I think their latest version of the 2 part. There is no way you the proper, and consistent amounts in the 1 part. I need to reduce my nitrogen by 25% per Ace seeds, and the only way to do that with the 1 part is to reduce everything by 25%. With the 2 part it gives you more control. If the 1 part works for you keep using it, but I don't see myself ever going back to any 1 part. I don't believe the led has to use "calmag" theory. I did, well i just listen to people that said that and always used calmag. Turns out I was giving to much, I haven't used any in a while and have had no issues. Calmag can be more harmful than helpful. If you need more calcium you should just give them calcium. If magnesium is good, and you add calmag now you have to much magnesium. When I stopped using it I had less issues just my experience. I use R/O as well, and there is enough calcium & magnesium in the 2 part you don't need to add calmag. This came straight from Greenleaf when I asked. I know there are a lot of folks that have had great success with MC, but there are a lot that haven't. Again, I think if I enter MC 2 part into hydrobuilder calculator I could get the correct amounts, and be ok. I'm kinda glad I had issues tho. It forced me to understand nutrients better which will only makes me better.

Stay lifted
No biggie, I was just wondering if youve done it before cuz Ive never done anything smaller than a 5 before.
I did my 2nd & 3rd photos in 2gal, caused little issues with the roots. Nothing major still got some nice plants I will find a pic of them. They were Blue Dream and Green Crack.

These were from summer grow 2021.


Blue Dream on left, Green Crack on right. I still have some Blue Dream I'm Dabbing on currently during the day.


Both are in 2 gallon Rain Science bags. Had little issue, I was gone for 4 days on vacation. Didn't get watered looked real bad when I got home, but got them back. There where quite a bit of roots, but bags helped a lot.

These were from summer grow 2021.

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Blue Dream on left, Green Crack on right. I still have some Blue Dream I'm Dabbing on currently during the day.

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Both are in 2 gallon Rain Science bags. Had little issue, I was gone for 4 days on vacation. Didn't get watered looked real bad when I got home, but got them back. There where quite a bit of roots, but bags helped a lot.
Dang. Alright I knew fab pot helped but I was always under the assumption youd be running the risk of root binding in smaller pots with photos, but this is nice. I need to get smaller ones for autos anyway.
Dang. Alright I knew fab pot helped but I was always under the assumption youd be running the risk of root binding in smaller pots with photos, but this is nice. I need to get smaller ones for autos anyway.
Rain Science are better than fabric bud. Work the same way, but much more durable. I highly recommend!!! 2 gallon are better for autos, but need watered much more often. I tried it out to see if I could keep them small. We're still good size, but they did their job. The watering frequency was to much vs. 3gal in my opinion. You can get good results tho.
Rain Science are better than fabric bud. Work the same way, but much more durable. I highly recommend!!! 2 gallon are better for autos, but need watered much more often. I tried it out to see if I could keep them small. We're still good size, but they did their job. The watering frequency was to much vs. 3gal in my opinion. You can get good results tho.
Im actually in 5 gal grommetted rs bags right now, just refer to all soft pots as fabric ones lol.