Use them all in the relative proportions specified as per the feedchart:, but dilute appropriately for autos.
Check out Man O'Green's guide on using liquid fertilizers for autoflowers to set ppm/EC targets (generally half-strength or so for autos, but better to go by ppm/EC):
For autos, 1.0-1.2ec is a good reference point from veg to flower. If you don't have a ppm/EC measuring device, the feedchart shows ec levels at full strength. So if you're targeting 1.0ec and a certain week on the schedule is 2.0ec, try diluting that week to 50%.
Be warned, the

feedchart uses the '700 ppm scale'. A lot of targets/advice you might get is based on the '500ppm scale'. Better to go by EC to avoid ambiguity.
Good luck, pal.