It's hard to find a 'toy' that keeps working. I have a Hermes3 that I used to smoke my hash. Jebus! That was just plain fire and very tasty. Damn coils were shit in longevity!!!!!!!! The STOCK coil worked the longest!!!!!!!!
The place I bought it from is crap for service!!!!
On a very positive note, toy discussion and Grove bags, equal me breaking out some Sour Stomper, from over a year ago, and putting it in my HerbalAire to vape it.
Bud was still so pliable, yet with that resistance. OH SHIT THE FLAVOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I'm getting blitzed off my ass!!!!! I had to hurry and finish this post before I'm too fucked up to post. I've been vaping while writing this.........and it's getting slow as hell!!!!!!!!!!

I couldn't get good pics of m suspected herms last night. I'll try again after lights on at 6pm
Damn! That's TASTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!