Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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We have bear here. Used to only see them a couple times a year but it's probably twice a week now. They outlawed bear hunting recently and the population has exploded It's almost a game whether they'll come and tear up the garbage before the garage men can come get it
Man your spoiled lucky. We used to have one station like that in my town. been gone now for 10 to 15 years. Now everyone goes to kwik trip. its always a shit show there. You might never herd of kwik trip not sure if there nation wide. Or if your even in the us. :crying:
We have Kwik trips around here. I think Jersey and Oregon are the only states left where you can't pump your own gas
aka lipidz, aka fatty cellz (that'z why cannabinoidz bind so well to mct'z ;) ) ppp

for the time being, until november anyway, we jus have medical here in mizery, but as long as u got ur card & comply with all the regz, they can't & don't fuck with u ;) fwiw, i know this for fact, becuz sum idiot called the law on me las summer for my outdoor grow...stoopid fuck :doh: but as soon as the officer ran my card thru & it came back as valid & that i'm an "authorized cultivator", all was good & ez pz :thumbsup: ppp

yes, the bud def needz to be decarbed before infuzing with the oil ;) i meself uze 14-16gr of bud to about 5 oz of oil, steep in in a crockpot uzing the "water bath" method for about 3 hrz, strain it all out & uzually get 3.5-4 oz of infuzed oil with a nice, dark amber tinge to it :cool1: then i jus dose a couple eyedropperz' full & i'm good to go for fuckin hourz, lol :rofl: :smoking: ppp

:crying: ppp
Was it cultivators card or medical card?
Really? Never tried sugars before. I definitely have a jar of molasses in the kitchen. It mixes ok? Feel like molasses would be very questionable through drip lines...
Make sure it unsulphured and when I mix it, it just turns the water brown. Doesnt thicken it or anything like that.
if i remember right, i think i pay $100 for the dr vizit annually...which is all online, so i never leave the comfort of me swivel rocker :biggrin: ...then the card itself is $25/yr, but if u wanna grow, that'z an xtra $100/yr :yoinks: but, we can grow up to 18 plantz, so it'z worth it to me :shrug: now, in november, after full rec passez...and it will pass, no doubt...then anybody & everybody will be able to grow up to 18 plantz, but, the "license" to do so will cost, u guessed, $100 :doh: ppp
Damn 18 plants! That’s a nice plant count.
A news blurb I just caught, RING, security camera company and owned by Amazon, is turning over delivery footage to police WITHOUT the owner's permission!!!

I would NOT be very happy if I owned one.
Would you expect anything purchased from Amazon to be private?
Was it cultivators card or medical card?

well, it'z basically the same thing, lol...if u pay the xtra for it, then ur med card will have "authorized cultivator" added onto it ;) ppp
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