Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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aka lipidz, aka fatty cellz (that'z why cannabinoidz bind so well to mct'z ;) ) ppp

for the time being, until november anyway, we jus have medical here in mizery, but as long as u got ur card & comply with all the regz, they can't & don't fuck with u ;) fwiw, i know this for fact, becuz sum idiot called the law on me las summer for my outdoor grow...stoopid fuck :doh: but as soon as the officer ran my card thru & it came back as valid & that i'm an "authorized cultivator", all was good & ez pz :thumbsup: ppp

yes, the bud def needz to be decarbed before infuzing with the oil ;) i meself uze 14-16gr of bud to about 5 oz of oil, steep in in a crockpot uzing the "water bath" method for about 3 hrz, strain it all out & uzually get 3.5-4 oz of infuzed oil with a nice, dark amber tinge to it :cool1: then i jus dose a couple eyedropperz' full & i'm good to go for fuckin hourz, lol :rofl: :smoking: ppp

:crying: ppp
fuck yeah stuck it to that dude. Bet he was pissed. Well here you can get a card super expensive and there is like 7 things on the list. they just made flower for medical last year no cultivation. And last week or the week before they made 5mg gummies legal. I think up to 50mg packs. one step closer to legalization.
fuck yeah stuck it to that dude. Bet he was pissed. Well here you can get a card super expensive and there is like 7 things on the list. they just made flower for medical last year no cultivation. And last week or the week before they made 5mg gummies legal. I think up to 50mg packs. one step closer to legalization.

if i remember right, i think i pay $100 for the dr vizit annually...which is all online, so i never leave the comfort of me swivel rocker :biggrin: ...then the card itself is $25/yr, but if u wanna grow, that'z an xtra $100/yr :yoinks: but, we can grow up to 18 plantz, so it'z worth it to me :shrug: now, in november, after full rec passez...and it will pass, no doubt...then anybody & everybody will be able to grow up to 18 plantz, but, the "license" to do so will cost, u guessed, $100 :doh: ppp
A news blurb I just caught, RING, security camera company and owned by Amazon, is turning over delivery footage to police WITHOUT the owner's permission!!!

I would NOT be very happy if I owned one.
My dad has a ring on our frontdoor, damn it.
2 more weeks huh??? Sounds like perfect time for a molasses feed eh @Mossy ?? :d5:

Unless u have bud candy or whichever it is that Señor Verde aka @Mañ'O'Green uses! :thumbsup:
Really? Never tried sugars before. I definitely have a jar of molasses in the kitchen. It mixes ok? Feel like molasses would be very questionable through drip lines...
if i remember right, i think i pay $100 for the dr vizit annually...which is all online, so i never leave the comfort of me swivel rocker :biggrin: ...then the card itself is $25/yr, but if u wanna grow, that'z an xtra $100/yr :yoinks: but, we can grow up to 18 plantz, so it'z worth it to me :shrug: now, in november, after full rec passez...and it will pass, no doubt...then anybody & everybody will be able to grow up to 18 plantz, but, the "license" to do so will cost, u guessed, $100 :doh: ppp
Thats 100% worth it. 18 plants is alot. At least for me. I mean i smoke alot but not that much. Its $500 bucks a year for the card. And I think its like 200 for the dr maybe less my buddy told me can’t remember and you cant grow. you have to buy there weed and it super expensive. I work with a guy that just had the card and he said its not worth it. Spend less buying it on the street. The only reason I would try and get a card is drug testing and I dont think many places even care anymore or if they do I dont know if a card will make it so its cool to fail for thc? even then I had to take plenty just get the fake pee or I know a few people that are good for some clean pee too. So all in all not worth it here. IMO. I got it good I dont pay for it. I get to be part of the best group of people Ive ever talked to and im learning and gaining patience there is just to many benefits to list
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