fuck yeah stuck it to that dude. Bet he was pissed. Well here you can get a card super expensive and there is like 7 things on the list. they just made flower for medical last year no cultivation. And last week or the week before they made 5mg gummies legal. I think up to 50mg packs. one step closer to legalization.aka lipidz, aka fatty cellz (that'z why cannabinoidz bind so well to mct'z) ppp
for the time being, until november anyway, we jus have medical here in mizery, but as long as u got ur card & comply with all the regz, they can't & don't fuck with ufwiw, i know this for fact, becuz sum idiot called the law on me las summer for my outdoor grow...stoopid fuck
but as soon as the officer ran my card thru & it came back as valid & that i'm an "authorized cultivator", all was good & ez pz
yes, the bud def needz to be decarbed before infuzing with the oili meself uze 14-16gr of bud to about 5 oz of oil, steep in in a crockpot uzing the "water bath" method for about 3 hrz, strain it all out & uzually get 3.5-4 oz of infuzed oil with a nice, dark amber tinge to it
then i jus dose a couple eyedropperz' full & i'm good to go for fuckin hourz, lol
:smoking: ppp