Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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Leaf miners....Usually minor damage.... :headbang: ...I get them an odd time.......Probably because I reused the soil from the failed germs...

I actually pulled one coz it looked like it had caterpillar cocooning too....all the leaves glued together....easier just to dispose of it....

Being mostly outdoor the old fans normally get blown off anyway......:biggrin:
the trailz are cauzed by leaf minerz & there'z nothin that can be done about em, lol....i get a handful every year, but they're no biggie, so.... ;) ppp

jinx! :d5: :biggrin: ppp
gotcha, those little bastards. My very first grow I got a quick introduction to spider mites. they are not my favorite little critters

i've dealt with good ol' fungus gnatz a few timez, and aphidz really bad back in '20....both bein the devil'z fuckin spawn :nono: ....but i've never had to deal with spider mitez, thank gawd :whew: ppp
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