I've been experimenting and growing Organically for quite a long time. I've been using Happy Frog for a few years that I turned living soil and it seems to work well.
Here's the schedule:
Soil Amendments pre germination:
Down To Earth Bat Guano, Wiggle Worm Worm Castings, Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. NPK Industries Microbes. And finally, Arbico Organics Mycorrhizal Fungi.
Flowering ammendments:
Start day 21-25, and every 10-14 days thereafter unless deficiencies are detected. In which case the schedule will shift to every 7 days. (usually late Flower)
Down To Earth Bat Guano, Dr Earth Flower Girl, Diatomaceous Earth, Worm Castings, and (NPK Industries Bloom Microbes, first week of Flower and as needed thereafter) . (Final 2 weeks, no Bat Guano)
Watering/ Foliar Spray Additives:
NPK Industries Full Up, Kelp-(something new I'm trying) , Silica, and Neptune's Harvest Organic Liquid Fish & Seaweed-(used between amendmemt schedule if signs of NPK deficiencies arise.)
I may add Azomite at the beginning of the cycle if I feel that the soil has been overly depleted from the last run. I also cycle the PH from low to high from beginning to end during the grow cycle. Starting at 6.1 and slowly increasing it week by week until I max at 6.6-6.8 nearing the end of the cycle depending upon how the plant reacts.