Dutch Passion Budster does autos, AutoBlueBerry, AutoBlackBerryKush & AutoEuforia in a SCROG under GN LED.

My vote goes for #1. Something about it that my eye just preferred. Both are really nice photos though! Bro.... looking at all of those plants I would expect at least 200g from them. Maybe even 300g. Those are some mean fat buds and they look really packed. I am happy you got a lot of meds going for you! Perfect timing for summer too. :smoking:
As an experiment I put in a white sheet of paper to get some clean shots of the ABBK main cola with a white background. These are the 2 best ones, which one do you guys like best?

I like number one more, but they are both great pictures, the color is superb :smoking:
I went for #1 in the comp, all the pics in your journal were really outstanding to be honest. Well done :slap:
Beautiful!! I'll vote for the #2.... makes my mouth watering..... or both are but IMO #2 wins :)

Both bro lol. Too hard to choose they both look outstanding

Thanks for the feedback, I'm happy to hear it :biggrin:

My vote goes for #1. Something about it that my eye just preferred. Both are really nice photos though! Bro.... looking at all of those plants I would expect at least 200g from them. Maybe even 300g. Those are some mean fat buds and they look really packed. I am happy you got a lot of meds going for you! Perfect timing for summer too. :smoking:

I'd be ecstatic if I hit 200+ that's been my dream goal for a while. I'm not sure if it will be that much. I have a good feeling I might break my personal record of 165g though. When I'm taking cannabis oil I go through about 10g of buds per week so 20g extra is another 2 weeks I can medicate. Now that I switched to auto's I'm also cutting the time it takes to grow by a few weeks as well.

Amazing job buddy.
Your really rocked it out of the park this time.
I woudl go with picture #1 but thats just me.

Thanks man, much appreciated as always. I'm really happy with how this grow went. Not a single issue throughout.

I like number one more, but they are both great pictures, the color is superb :smoking:

Thanks fusti, glad you liked them.

I went for #1 in the comp, all the pics in your journal were really outstanding to be honest. Well done :slap:

Thanks again for the nom man! It looks like #1 was slightly favored so I think that was a good choice. It's gonna be a tough competition by the looks of it.
The ABBK and the ABB are in bags drying. They weighed in at 285g and 310g wet respectively. The ABBK was probably a bit drier at harvest so hopefully it will lose less weight.
It took about 1.5 hours per plant to trim, so not too bad. The ABB was a bit more work due to the heavy foxtailing. I somehow managed to get a blister on my finger. I don't understand how people can trim buds as a full time job.
Amazing photos and growing... outstanding i will say. I'll see if I can rep you some more... !