Blue :) ..... One of the colours of the rainbow!

The Seventh one in the song!

Humm me and the wife took lsd some time ago 5 or 6 years i forget.. it was from England! it was very clean i had a good time but it lasted waaay to long i cant take that stuff i don't have 18 hours to watch flowers bloom in the park. Because thats exactly what we did stayed in a park and watch tress and flowers ..

I do love flowers and trees just no need to stare at an Aliza bush all day...
You guys be careful on LSD that stuff is really something. I had a friend who was gay and a good person but he went with us to Atlanta GA to go see John Digweed and he took LSD and we lost him, and he left the party and went on a trip in down town Atlanta IKR scary! long story short we found him alone praying and he had found god and is no longer gay and broke up with his partner and is a active member in a church. all that just from 1 dose!! so you guys be careful ..
Mine came about back when I first started on the 'Net back in the late 80's early 90's on some of the early freenet services. Mostly just text email and bulletin board type stuff. Anyhow, someone was talking to me about something once and accused me of always having my head in the clouds. So I started ending my messages with "signing off from the ozone layer", which became "signing off from the ozone", which became just Ozone. Common enough word that it's frequently taken, so I tacked the year I was born, 69, on the end.