Hey guys! I was cleaning the pot from my Double Grape that finished last week. I about pulled my back out trying to remove the stump! Check out the tap root on this thing.
Hey guys! Big day over here, I'm deciding to call it for the Auto Patch!!! I raised my panels a couple days ago and dialed my lighting back about 2 hours, and the plants finished hella fast!! Here's some pics!

First is the Skywalker


Next is the Grape Crinkle


And last but not least, the Menage Tyrone!!


These plants are stankin' something fierce! I'll have more detailed specifics soon!!

I'm at a loss for words at how fantastic this whole run turned out... It's safe to say that I'm a Meph-head now!
Well guys, I feel like I've let this journal down!! I posted the autopatch weigh in and final harvest pictures into the Mephisto thread, and forgot about my original journal. Hah. Holidaze ....you know how it goes. So if you want to get caught up over there, I have some pictures of the 70 day Pound grown under the P-600's!!

I'll try to get everything caught up but for now, check out the two beasts we have in the tent starting their first week of flower. The left is Purple Piss and the Right is Purple J x Cali Dreaming by Dusted Bud Genetics

I'll post pictures of my Auto harvest in this journal too if you guys are interested, just lemme know!! Here's one my favorite pics from the bunch so far, a nug of the Double Grape
Was this grow abandoned?