When starting out with breeding, try to keep it simple. Do some research and try to find cultivars that are similar to each other. The further your cultivars are separated from each other the more differences your offspring will show. Do this for each project until you have your base to work with and you'll be fine

Great to see others using CMD as the male base. It's a great cultivar and
@FullDuplex is amazing for sharing it in regular form. This will give people the chance to partake in some breeding without the use of STS, not that there's something wrong in using STS, but there must be more to a male then only that Y-chromosome, right? I'm already a couple of generations removed from the first cross with CMD, but still find that taste wise the CMD surely left it's mark on it's offspring.
Also fun to know is that it's ancestors found it's origin on this forum, Dragon's baby!! Whooop whoooop