Day 64.
Sorry about missing last weeks update,other things on my mind and i couldnt be arsed.
Shes started to yellow up a bit as expected but it looks more like a micro def to me,so ive upped the canna micro by 0.25ml/l.
Shes also been showing the claw for a few weeks but ive hardly overfed her anything especially N which is the usual culprit but not always.I was told
that overfeeding of other nutes can cause it too.Shes a light feeder too so would be easy to overfeed anything i suppose.
I reckon she could go another 3 weeks but it will be more like 2 as ive run out of bud again.Probs because i had things on my mind and going bang at it.
Not to worry though,theres people in the World worse off than me.
Couple of pics.
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View attachment 660263

Well thats it for now folks,thanks for dropping by.
Looking good red hope it's nothing to serious mate life has a habit of kicking you in the knackers when least expected and out of bud again your gonna need another tent mate [emoji106]

Amused ourselves to death
Looking good red hope it's nothing to serious mate life has a habit of kicking you in the knackers when least expected and out of bud again your gonna need another tent mate [emoji106]

Amused ourselves to death
Only a cancer scare Wile,i found a small lump in my salivary gland about 6 weeks ago,after x rays,needles stuck into lump without local anaesthetic (that fucking hurt)
and ultra sound,i was told its stones in my gland not cancer.I still have to go for a CT scan to dot the i`s and cross the t`s but signs are good so far.
I slipped up by germing my present SODK too late,i dont really know why i waited so long,fucking numpty i am.I couldnt afford to run another tent,i`m on a wattage budget and a fucking pay as you go meter,they are a bad head,never away from the shop topping up.
Thanks for your concern pal,its appreciated.
Only a cancer scare Wile,i found a small lump in my salivary gland about 6 weeks ago,after x rays,needles stuck into lump without local anaesthetic (that fucking hurt)
and ultra sound,i was told its stones in my gland not cancer.I still have to go for a CT scan to dot the i`s and cross the t`s but signs are good so far.
I slipped up by germing my present SODK too late,i dont really know why i waited so long,fucking numpty i am.I couldnt afford to run another tent,i`m on a wattage budget and a fucking pay as you go meter,they are a bad head,never away from the shop topping up.
Thanks for your concern pal,its appreciated.
Thank fook it's not cancer mate had a scare myself in my early 20's found a lump on my gonads shit myself was a cyst plus point the female Dr was a hotty downside I'm hung like a shrimp [emoji23] [emoji23]

Amused ourselves to death
Cheers Wile.
That must have been scarey in your early 20s mate,at least ive seen a bit of life at 63,a lot more than i thought i would when i was in my 20s.My finger was never off the self destruct button,haha,the good ole days.
As for the shrimp crack,it doesnt matter as long as it can fill a pram,so im told,haha.
@redrobbo glad its looking good mate. Hope you get the all clear soon. Staying possitive is half the battle too. Besides youre still only a youngster at 63!
Thanks for your kind words and concern Sang,i feel a lot better now I know its only stones.They can be removed surgically or maybe with anti-biotics if its small enough.I hate hospitals so I'm hoping its the latter.
I suppose I'm still young compared to some,so I'm thankful for small mercies,even the nurses at
the hospital couldn't believe I was 63,that cheered me up a bit.
Thanks for dropping by mate.
Thanks for your concern lads,im fine thanks.Got my official results yesterday and they couldn't find anything to worry about except ive to have the stone removed from my gland,theyre going to cut my throat haha.
Sorry I didn't finish the journal,i needed a break,i got just over 4 oz from her and a nice smoke she is too.
I might start another journal after my op which should be next year I hope.Thanks again for your concern and your interest in my grows.
Thanks for your concern lads,im fine thanks.Got my official results yesterday and they couldn't find anything to worry about except ive to have the stone removed from my gland,theyre going to cut my throat haha.
Sorry I didn't finish the journal,i needed a break,i got just over 4 oz from her and a nice smoke she is too.
I might start another journal after my op which should be next year I hope.Thanks again for your concern and your interest in my grows.
Glad your okay red tag the boys in when and if you start another journal let us know how your op goes [emoji106]

I toke therfore I am so naaa