Glad your okay red tag the boys in when and if you start another journal let us know how your op goes [emoji106]

I toke therfore I am so naaa
Cheers Wile,i will keep you all informed whats going on,how could i not,after all the concern you have all shown me.
Thanks again lads,im deeply touched.
I wonder if i can smuggle my vapouriser into hospital,anybody tried it?
Cheers Wile,i will keep you all informed whats going on,how could i not,after all the concern you have all shown me.
Thanks again lads,im deeply touched.
I wonder if i can smuggle my vapouriser into hospital,anybody tried it?
If it was me I'd bring the works joints,bongs and a vape and good luck with your op and have a speedy recovery red!
Cheers Sang,i hate hospitals and im a bit wary about it but i suppose id better get it done to keep the peace.My wife is an ex nurse and i would get wall to wall twining,haha.
Thanks for your kindness and good luck wishes mate.
The British medical association has classified pot as a medicine so feck em all red your only takin your meds [emoji106]

I toke therfore I am so naaa
If it was me I'd bring the works joints,bongs and a vape and good luck with your op and have a speedy recovery red!
The British medical association has classified pot as a medicine so feck em all red your only takin your meds [emoji106]

I toke therfore I am so naaa
Thanks lads,i only need a little encouragement,the vapouriser was going with me anyways,im a rebel with a cause at last.
Great to hear you're alive and well red. Got a little worried when the updates stopped.

Never had any real experience with hospitals either until my appendix ruptured a couple of years ago. Some serious pain until they broke out the dilaudid. Then it was la-la land. I stayed that way for 3 days. Don't know if you're going to need your vaporizer, they got some really GOOD stuff in hospitals. LMAO. Keep us posted
Thanks for dropping by Ducks and your concern mate.
Im not expecting too much pain that they have to give me the good stuff,with all the NHS cut backs in the UK im surprised they havnt told me to bring my own painkillers.
My vapers going with me,im not taking any chances.
Maybe they can do it on one of those same day surgery/outpatient things. The misses and I had cataract surgery done on both of our eyes last year. In at 6am and home by noon.
Maybe they can do it on one of those same day surgery/outpatient things. The misses and I had cataract surgery done on both of our eyes last year. In at 6am and home by noon.
The Doc said they were putting a drain in the wound and I think I have to stay in overnight for observation.
They might take the drain out next morning if all is well.
And they better not want me in by 6am cos I wont be there.