Nooooo moonshine. A couple of magic brownies, a couple glasses of wine, a lot of bowls, and some good food. Very nice
Ah Red - there is nothing sadder than an empty jar. Finally doing a bit of catch up on the things I've been neglecting for the past 3 months. Up a 100ppm on your water supplier - that's a big jump. Normally that number is fairly stable. Maybe your supplier has a bad chemical dosing unit or maybe just fixed one that was already bad. Hope your supplier didn't switch from chlorine to chloramine cause I don't think RO will remove it. My tap is shite too, 200-250ppm with a pH of 8.5. I only use it for flushing.

Will be watching your results with the new LED. Heat is always an issue with me - currently at 90F with both spectrums on. How do they keep it so cool? Is the power supply on the outside of the tent? Been in the market for a new LED and was looking into this one but I saw no mention of it on any of the US distributors sites.

It’s hard to find stuff about Hans-panels. But u can if u do random good searches and search the results. I am bout to buy two 180w unless someone talks me out of it. Only thing I read from Simone is they don’t penetrate far
Was you just using the Hans panel by its self ??? In what size tent I have the Hans panel 180w will this be enough for 3 plants in a 90x60x90 cm tent