


optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.

I just like to try and stay positive no matter what other bullshits happening in life!
Years ago I had an intense, ego shattering acid trip and said good bye to myself

I grew up in Dutchess County in New York State. At that time Dr Timothy Leary was living in Millbrook, NY. I had my 1st of many LSD trips in Millbrook. Crazy times, but never had a bad trip. Purple Haze was my 1st trip and it was amazing. The "Trip of the Month" club would meet and we'd drop at the same time. Making sure that we did not come in contact with anyone NOT tripping. There was 99 acres of woods and gardens at the Hitchcock Estate. Dr Tim was totally out of it and a bit of a nut. Anyway, had a great experience.

Michael Savage the conservative radio personality was living in the gate house. The hippie chicks from NYC were the hottest of hot too.

G. Gordon Liddy was the Dutchess County DA at the time and he put an end to all. I wasn't there when he raided the estate. The rest is history.

G Gordon Liddy and Dr Timothy Leary at better times.

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60's Hippy Chick
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