Indoor Vapo Grows......Strawberry Nuggets

I honestly didn’t even know they made an organic one until I looked it up after seeing @Auto melt suggesting big bud. I knew they had a couple organic offerings and figured it only made sense that they’d have a pk booster in the lineup. I’m gonna have to look into it a little more, the synthetic one kicks ass I used to use it in coco. I’ve got my eye on biotabs too and ditching bottles so I can dig it. Simplify simplify simplify.
I honestly didn’t even know they made an organic one until I looked it up after seeing @Auto melt suggesting big bud. I knew they had a couple organic offerings and figured it only made sense that they’d have a pk booster in the lineup. I’m gonna have to look into it a little more, the synthetic one kicks ass I used to use it in coco. I’ve got my eye on biotabs too and ditching bottles so I can dig it. Simplify simplify simplify.
Dude......since I began with the Biotabs my watering regime is simplicity itself.....I simply dip my jug in my bubble bucket and pour....adding the PK for the ones that need it.....I just need to fine tune a couple thing with Biotabs and im happy as can be:crying::pass:
At at one point I really obsessed with organic farming and thought it was the safest and cleanest way of production,

Best way too conduct organic soil indoors was too mix a big batch of things, like tga subscool does, costly but most ingredients were available in a single product

I started growing with bio bizz, until some growers pointed out it wasn’t totally organic,

While I was checking for suitable fertilisers for cannabis, i switched too canna and advanced. There might be loads of better companies or even worser,

But what I realised was when I was checking all the products for heavy metals, I realised even bio bizz had heavy metals, at that point I thought synthetic all the way. Better yields, more control.

If I could grow outdoors I wouldn’t touch a single nute bottle in my life.... probably use some cow manure only, as they only eat grass, Have a bunch of autos in the sun laid back with a fruit drink, smoking a fat one. Lol
I'm loving the MegaCrop I'm using. I don't think it's completely organic but it couldn't be easier. I'm definitely moving away from 3 part nutes because it's a pain in the arse.

Looking good though @Vapo69 !
Thanks Elle.:toke:...Megacrop is a mix of organic and mineral, I think?..:shrug:...somebody ask the same question the other day and I think it was @Dabber who answered.....he knows about MC really well, grows monsters with it actually lol....I enjoyed using it but just found it a bit Nitro heavy in flower...but I didn't get any problems and the ladys were sweet....I only swapped because of my inquisitive nature(and the free sample ran out!!)but its good stuff tho:smiley1:

EDIT:...i have found most one-part Nutes to be N heavy, I think it's because they need it in veg.....:bow:
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What is this organic weed you speak of? Never heard of it :biggrin::toke: Strawberry Nuggets looking good Vapo.
Thanks kind of hoping I still have some bottle fed weed left when this is see if any diff!!:smiley1: