New Grower Orange sherbet & wedding cheese cake

Midweek musings..
  • Day 11. Midweek update.

    Fairly happy with everyone's progress.

    Day 8 & 11 they had 250ml feed each.
    The pots still feel heavy from the pre soak so I might leave it an extra day or 2 before feeding again.

    Humidity for week 1 was 70-75%. Week 2 I have dropped it slightly to 65-75%.

    Temps have been much better so far this run. I'm running 18/6 with the lights at 200w (65% ish of total available). Lights off during hottest part of the day. Lights on 25°-28° spiking at 29°. Lights out 23°-25° low spike of 20°. This could all change with the return of hot weather though :D

    Of the orange Sherbet, os1 looks to be of a different, more sativa pheno. whereas os2 & os3 are more indica leaning at the moment.
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    Midweek update
  • @void Thanks for the tip on threadmarks! Still getting the hang of this journaling :D like you say though, deffo better than the paper records I'd been keeping previously.
    I'm not too worried about the watering right now. My veg cycle has been good in previous grows watering this way. It's the transition to flower where I get stuck & growth stalls. I've been reading through some of @autobeast s threads & I think I've got an idea what I'm doing wrong.

    Firstly I think I've been giving bloom nutes way too early. I dont think I've waited until post stretch & that's had a massive effect on final plant size & yield?? Previous runs have never really gotten above 12inches & I've been growing "big strain".
    Come to think of it, I was probably giving grow nutes too early as well.... the slight clawing in the photo above has been a constant theme through other grows I've done using Bat Special & I've just kept giving them Grow from the start of week 3.

    Secondly, due to the fear of overeating I think I've underwatered previous grows through flower.
    Lots to think about going forward....

    For now here's a picture of the girls on day 18.
    They were all topped on day 15/16. My first time topping. in for a penny...
    They seem to be responding well so far! I've just done a bit of leaf tucking & they'll be getting tied down this weekend.
    WCC1 (top right) is the monster so far.


  • Looking good friend! Crazy to see all the girls such different sizes. Gonna have your hands full, good problem to have.
    There are definitely some variations in there.

    The wedding cheese cake set up seems to be taking the lead at the moment. Wcc1 is exploding!
    Although im cautious, last run I did 5 mephistos & the one that grew bigger than the rest looked to herm. I spent time every morning removing anything Dodgy looking for about a week.
    In the end, it was nearly twice the size of everything else & easily the stinkyest girl (?) In the tent. Now im checking daily to make sure no nuts are developing.

    The orange Sherbet are less developed & less on it. Maybe it's just that strain or maybe it's the soil mix they are in. @autobeast had some amazing results so i doubt it's the strain. (Os1) that was strait out the gate, all guns blazing, has whimpped out a bit now. One side of both os1 & os3's first node are mutanty dwarfs.
    Os2 is small but is developing well.
    A few are starting to show sex now.
    I'm hoping to start tying things down this weekend & maybe upping the amount of watering they're getting.
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    Thoughts for next week...
  • So tomorrow is the last day of week 3. This week they each had (of their respective schedule)
    Sat: 300ml
    Mon: 300ml
    The only amendment to the schedule is I still haven't been giving the Orange Sherbet any Grow. OS2 & OS3 are still clawing & are a very deep green so don't want to add to the problem.
    I'm going to skip tomorrow's feed with the intention of watering saturday instead & upping the volume to maybe 500ml per plant.
    What do people think?
    Also, Saturday is beginning of week 4 & I should be upping the nutrient dosage as well. I mentioned that os2 & os3 are showing signs of tox so I think I'll continue on without the grow nutes as far as they're concerned. OS1 has slowed right down. Os 2 & os3 have somewhat caught up with her. Shes not as rich a green as os2 & os3 so maybe worth giving her a little grow to nudge her on??
    As for the wedding cheese cake, wcc2 & wcc3 are both small, compact plants. Both are a deep righ green. WCC2 has some very, very slight yellowing to a couple of her tips. They have been on 1ml per L this week, supposed to go up to 2ml from saturday but I'm not sure they need it.... ?
    wcc1 is smashing it, growth wise so she'd probably welcome thr upped dosage.

    Still a little unsure why just the 1 plant would get much bigger than the rest. I know "genetics" & all that but 2 strains, 6 plants & only 1 wants to go big? Hmmm..

    Hope your gardens are all happy & healthy!
    Wall to wall...
  • So here we are, day 1 of week 4. They've just had their first l.s.t. I always think plants look terrible strait after initial lst but I know in just a couple of days they'll fill back out & look natural again.

    As I was putting them back in the tent I though, 'shit, these ain't gonna fit' :D

    Feed wise I went with my gut & ...
    Wcc1 got 1L of week 4 nutes, full strength.
    Wcc2 & wcc3 got 500ml of week 4 nutes but with reduced Grow (1ml/l not 2).

    Os1 os2 & os3 each got 500ml of week 4 nutes but still with no grow added. Os2 & os3 still showing slight signs of tox. not too sure what os1's plan is at the moment :D
    Os1 & os3 have only got 6 main stems now. Their bottom stems ended up being runty little no Hopes so I whipped them off this morning.
    Keep it green everyone x
    Midweek update. Week 4
  • Greetings all.
    Day 25. Middle of week 4 & all is well. Everyone is showing sex and a couple are in pre flower :)

    Been thinking about bloom nutes the last couple of days... some say wait until after stretch has finished, some say × amount of days after preflower begins... Not sure what my plan is yet but I still have a little while to make up my mind.

    The outside world has had a weather shift over the last 10 days. It's gone from 30° hot & dry to 17° chill & wet as fuck. Humidity is up in general but they seem to be handling it.

    Next water/feed is in the morning along with a few more leaves coming off, I'm sure.
    I'm slightly increasing the volume of liquid again tomorrow. Dosage will stay the same for now.

    As you can see, I'm out of horizontal space in the tent so it's all vertical from here, me thinks.

    Keep your gardens green, everyone :)
    End of week 4 ... lady-boys??
  • Greetings growers.
    Week 4 has come to a close. All bar one of the girls are in pre flower/ early flower (where is the line between pre & early??).
    Os1 is showing sex but isn't really in preflower yet. Shes different to all the rest. She's all whispy & squat... shes been a bit weird all the way through but hey-ho, we'll see what see does.

    Most of the girls are really stretching up now.
    I have gradually increased volume & dosage this week but dosage of GROW is still less than my schedule suggests. Feels right for now though.
    Not started bloom nutes yet..
    Have been watering/feeding every other day & whipping a few leaves off here and there while I'm at it.

    Had them all out to water this morning & noticed something concerning.... pretty sure 2 of them have hermed. Check the photo below. Have removed everything suspicious & will be keeping an
    eye out for any more nonsense :D

    Stay green out there!

    Midweek update. Week 5.
  • Greetings all.
    Outside temps pretty low this last week & the weather has been very wet. Humidity has been HIGH the whole time & there's little I can do about it. That being said, apart from the odd herm sack that has needed to be pulled off, the girls seems to be fine... loving it, actually.

    Dont want to jinx it but it looks like I have so far avoided the transition problems I've had on previous grows.
    Having said that, I do have some red leaf stems...

    This weeks feed schedule has looked like this:

    Feed 1 (sat)
    Wcc1 1.5l /2ml
    Wcc2 1l/1.5ml
    Wcc3 1l/1.5ml
    Os1 1l/1.5ml
    Os2 1l/0
    Os3 1l/0

    Feed2 (mon)
    Same as feed 1 for all except nothing for 0s1. Still wet from feed 1.

    Feed3 (wed)
    Wcc1 1.5l/2.5ml
    Wcc2 .75l/1.5ml
    Wcc3 .75l/1.5ml
    Os1 1l/1.5ml
    Os2 .75l/0ml
    0s3 .75/0ml

    Ml is per L. I have just included volume & Grow dosage as everything else is as per the schedule.

    Think I will start bloom nutes this Saturday (day 1 week 6) for at least 3 of the girls.
    Os1 is still trying to get into pre flower ... no idea what her game is hahaha.
