New Grower Northern Cheese Haze - RDWC - Stealth Closet - First Grow Journal

So, watched a few videos and id some reading. My understanding is that the goal is to get the highest colas level with those around them.
I chose the two highest to practice super cropping. Here are photos of the immediate results. Tried to bend them away from other colas to avoid throwing shade over others, so this resulted in them bending "outwards" towards the walls of the tent. Did my best to make sure they dont touch the tent.

Update 2: Since these went well , I finished up super cropping the 4 other colas that were a tad too high.
Photo attached...
Update 2: Since these went well , I finished up super cropping the 4 other colas that were a tad too high.
Photo attached...
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That is how it is done. You may need to tie them down as often they just raise right back up!
Hey all, brief question. As you can all see the left most plants around about 1 1/2 weeks ahead in development, perhaps even more. What does this mean for my upcoming flush and harvest? The front right looks like it has two weeks max, all orange pistils with cloudy trichomes. The back left looks like 3 weeks, half orange pistils, clear trichomes and some new white pistils. Meanwhile the two on the left started creating major buds just this week and look to have up to 4 weeks left. How do I manage these developmental differences when it comes time to flush / chop?! Specifically, I share a rez between all four plants - how am I to flush one when the other three arent done? Is it possible to push the other two an extra week or two to harvest together?
Don’t flush
Just keep up the nutrients

Only my opinion.

Okay so hypothetically, say I dont flush - would it be possible to push the plants so I can harvest in the same week? I am looking at options to create a drying environment. A cheap tent with fans and filters doesn't seem possible. Due primarily to space. Second option seemed to be a cardboard box , more feasible but hard to control the environment. Third option is the grow tent, but this would mean I need to find a way to get these all cut down around the same time - this option would be preferred as I have no free closet space and very little free floor space due to having a city apartment.
I'm going to have the same issue for drying with two plants, different strains and different finishing times. I was thinking I'd just use the paper bag method on the one that finishes first and hang the bag(s) in the grow area. Or, since one is indica that I use for nighttime smoke(and will be ready first) and one is sativa dominant for daytime I might split the difference and harvest them together with more time on the nightime strain and a little early for the daytime strain. It just depends on how things look when it's time.
This is a single strain run, sativa dominant hybrid. I can harvest a week late and the others at the correct time - have the mature harvest a bit more heavy high. Or. I think I figured a way... I can harvest and place in the extra space I have (in a full closet). I just hung some paracord and put in a hygrometer to see if it would work. Closet is at 75f 64%. Outside humidity is 80-90% this week, so im sure it will be more suitable when the weather dries up... pics attached.

I was thinking that or making cardboard dry boxes...
