New Grower Equatorial Tropical Indoor Mephisto Grow (Chemdogging + Northern Cheese Haze)

great garden pal :toke:

Thanks. really appreciate that. The Cheese Hazes will finish but worried about the Chemdoggs. I need to harvest in exactly 5 weeks to be sure to get it all dried and jarred cos of a pest inspection. Might be able to wiggle another week but 5 is already pushing it and may end up with only 4-5 more weeks instead. I am considering this a test run anyway. Next time i will be hoping for less mistakes, better prepared and a smoother process, but in 5 weeks will harvest what I can...

EDIT: searching for some Chemdogging grows to compare to mine now and try estimate how long is left...
DAY 53
- Rotblock continues on a weekly basis every Friday.
- Expect to harvest the Cheese Haze's in about 1-2 weeks. The Chemdawgs might need 3-5 more weeks, however 28th Feb is harvest deadline.
- Will have a dual 30x and 60x jewellers loupe on Monday. I know its late but eh its coming!
- Test Sour Stomper (final pic) is going very well at day 25. Some issues on lower leaves but my treatment seems to have corrected it. Time will tell.

all plants.jpeg

cheese haze 2.jpeg

cheese haze 3.jpeg

cheese haze 4.jpeg

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cheese hazr 5.jpeg



Sorry no update for a while but ill try to upload more pics soon. Not the pretiest garden and a rainbow of colors. Prob micronutrient deficiences which thanks to @Waira and @hecno I think i now have the product i need to resolve this issues on my 2nd grow starting within next few weeks. If the micronutes supplement do the trick i could well be onto to some damn fire flowers in coming months :D

So i harvested the NCH plants. Got about 4oz dry. here is a pic of NCH dried and in process of curing. Below that is a pic of one of my Chemdagws still running and harvest in coming weeks. Lot of bud development still going on.

Sorry no update for a while but ill try to upload more pics soon. Not the pretiest garden and a rainbow of colors. Prob micronutrient deficiences which thanks to @Waira and @hecno I think i now have the product i need to resolve this issues on my 2nd grow starting within next few weeks. If the micronutes supplement do the trick i could well be onto to some damn fire flowers in coming months :D

So i harvested the NCH plants. Got about 4oz dry. here is a pic of NCH dried and in process of curing. Below that is a pic of one of my Chemdagws still running and harvest in coming weeks. Lot of bud development still going on.

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Congrants for the harvest, Looks very tasty:cheers::cheers: