New Grower Equatorial Tropical Indoor Mephisto Grow (Chemdogging + Northern Cheese Haze)

Day 26
  • Minor signs of thrips. Given 1st foliar spray of Beauveria Bassiana, Rotblock, Neem Oil and Diatomaceous Earth.
  • Monday I will give single treatment of Spinosad.
  • Added a Sour Stomper in my new soil blend (50% light potting mix, 30% perlite, 20% vermicompost cooked in Biotabs goodness) for a trial run.
  • Adding Calmag to my RO water everytime now (even foliar).

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Day 31
  • front row, left and right, these 2 pots dried up by mistake and started drooping. had a good watering and should rebound.
  • not the healthiest plants overall and not the worst, but we continue forwards
  • bunch of problems and been told its caused by about 100 different things by 100 different people. so no idea whats wrong...every advice just stresses them out more.
  • wont be running Biotabs again, let alone in super soil. not forgiving at all and cost me a fortune to import. looking at fox farm and advanced nutrients schedules instead.
  • pretty sure budsites have started to form and maybe a little bit of stretch, but i dunno exactly.
  • bit disappointed and just want to get through the first grow and onto the 2nd starting in about 1 month. damn supersoil and nutes and lockout and bugs or whatever the **** is wrong! basically nothing i can do, keep adding water and pray they make it to finish
  • not all that bad, but my lack of control is what worries me most.

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They look pretty good from up here

Considering how much i ******* up this grow yes they look alright for sure. Mostly a testament to MG genetics over anything Ive done. Funniest thing is the freebie chemdawgs from MG are doing better than the cheese haze beans i purchased haha

In mean time i picked up some light mix potting soil (0.4-0.5 ms/cm & PH 5.5-6.5) and i have started 3 tests:
  1. 1x full Biotabs regime mostly correctly done in 55% light potting mix / 25% vermicompost / 20% perlite (except i gave a double dose of 5ml orgatrex over space of a week whilst cooking and then planting seed + i gave water with calmag. stopped doing this immediately since i learnt my mistake)
  2. 1x same random super soil - just add water and see what happens (only mistake is adding calmag to RO water)
  3. 1x light potting mix but no biotabs. (only mistake is adding calmag to RO water)

These 3 plants likely wont have time to finish and might need to be culled due to an inspection. Time will tell but what I should have, is a more thought out plan of action (even tested to some extent) for my second round which will begin Mid Feb. Giving these 3 tests a shot before deciding which nutes to use next time. Go on Biotabs! :vibe:
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Day 34
  • Picked up what i hope is a bad ass dehumidifier. 640W, 45L per day (30c & 80%), 6L tank. Specs attached. My 4x4 tent is in a room about 4x3x2.5m so should have no issues with humidity in flowering combined with Rotblock. Been seeing 70-80% at night. Another reason to keep running lights 24/0.
  • 1st pic = My Biotabs (Sour Stomper) test is doing well on day 6. I plan to put 1-2 Biotabs into the soil about day 14.
  • 2nd pic = super soil (sour bubbly guts) vs my potting mix (sour bubbly guts). Just add water. 1 seed didn't sprout. Thrown in another today.
  • 3rd and 4th pics = all the girls together (cheese haze and chemdogging)
  • 5th pic = dehumidifier stats





Day 39
  • Dehumidifier does a great job and will work with no problems. It does cause the humidity to fluctuate within a 5-10% range over time as the auto function switches on and off but should be fine and i have a lot of control.
  • Pic 1 and 2 all plants together with lights on.
  • Pic 3 is my correctly done Biotabs Forum Stomper. Going very well so far.
  • Pic 4 is about 30 mins after lights out (only because of Rotblock foliar)




Day 43
  • All seems to be going ok. Northern Cheese Hazes (back row) are moving faster than the Chemdogging (front row).
  • New Forum Stomper test (final pic) on full Biotabs regime is doing very well at day 14
  • Not doing wet/dry cycles anymore as the bacteria like it moist. So instead of 4.5L every 3 days, I will now do 1.5L every day
  • Will never use mineral salts (Calmag) in my organic mediums again either. Ooops. Next time will add 40-60g powdered dolomite lime to my 3-5 gal pots when mixing the soil.
  • Ready for my flowering lessons and then onto round 2 we go:vibe:





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Day 48
  • Small test seems show a tiny bit of nutrient burt but doing very well anyway.
  • Some purpley dark colors now in flowering. Guess is ok.
  • Feeding BIO PK 2ml per 1.5L of water.







and the test bit burnt??? what ya think??
