LOL yeah that's the scary part. This is an advanced technique that's easy to screw up but very useful and inspiring:
To bend branches without breaking them you can bruise and smash the branches and move them down until they're flexible enough to move. You will break branches, less with experience. Everybody does. But if you don't break them completely off, you can wrap them in tape and they're usually going to be ok.
Ultimately you shouldn't do anything you're uncomfortable with. I am the only one who does this, so you have to take it with a grain of salt. If I'm worried about breaking a more brittle branch, I bruise it as much as I can to make it flexible, then wrap it with tennis tape. Then I bend it down to where I want it.
To bruise the branch, you have to squeeze it really tightly between thumb and forefinger and sort of bend it a little. Work your way down the branch to soften enough so that it won't break when you bend it.
To add to this, you want to do this when they are ready to be watered, before watering them. The less water in the plant's cells, the less likely you are to snap them when you bend them.