Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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You can still get the last iteration of GIMP 2.8. I didn't like 2.10 and went back to the 2.8. I use it daily.

I need to play with some pics, so I go back to something I've used in the past with good results.
I used Gimp in the past and it was a little bit of a learning curve, but not too bad. The new Gimp I dl yesterday seems to be much improved, but it seems like the learning curve blew up! They changed up everything also. NOTHING is where it was or how it worked!:rofl::wall:
You'd be surprised what you can do with GIMP. And there are a lot of plugins and tutorials online. I'm surprised Adobe hasn't tried to buy or destroy GIMP. And now you get the privilege of paying Adobe a subscription fee to use their products.........

I've been using GIMP on my main box, an Ubuntu system, but all i've figured out is cropping and scaling, and compressing JPG's. For anything else I have to use sneakernet to transfer to a Windows7 box where I have an old pirate version of Macromedia Fireworks 8. With that i can do animated GIF's, layers, splicing, insets or anything else. I was sad when Adobe bought Macromedia just to unplug Fireworks to eliminate competition for Photoshop.
Black Lebanon pic2 -12-18-2021.jpg
Dude! That's about 14ml! That's 371mg!
That would prob explain why I was lightheaded about 5MIN after I finished chugging the last of it! :doh:
It’s actually 15ml in a tablespoon! And at 1st I thought it was 28.5/tbsp but then I remembered about 1/2 way thru the cup that it takes 1/2 cup of oil for box of brownies and was always over 2000mg of oil I’d use so made me remember the tcheck puts it out in mg per ml until u use the calculator in the app to convert to ml/teaspoon or tablespoon! :yoinks: :rofl:
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