Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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Add another member to the grove bag bunch. Got mine in yesterday. Just seems too damn easy to not give em a try so why not.
How long do those things actually work, And how well? I’ve been curious about those, And really need to find an alternative to all the one gallon candy jars I’ve got laying around…
How long do those things actually work, And how well? I’ve been curious about those, And really need to find an alternative to all the one gallon candy jars I’ve got laying around…
I been using them for close to a month. They seem to work great. I got a cheap hydrometer in a lb. bag and itt has stayed 61% for weeks. Solid so far. :thumbsup: :pass:
Thank you @Mañ'O'Green ! I knew I was missing a part of the calculation. I could not find an estimated loss % for infusion other than a vague 80-ish. Apparently without a machine to be able to check potency of the final product it's just a guess at best.

We will use my calculations as a potential "max" amount and dose carefully until we see how it works. I did learn quite a bit reading all those articles. Interesting that the information I felt missing was really just - no one knows! hahahaha

Does anyone recommend a THC/potency checker? I've seen a couple floating around. The T-check looks decent and it's not a bank breaker.
uh oh.....

I'll bet instead of getting rid of the grow tax they'll just crack down on individuals growing their own.

That seems to be how it goes when the gov’t is involved with anything.
Alright alright alright....
Looks like I was right about the LokiOG complaining about having too much water.

And the other two babies (Pinky Tuscadero) have decided to join the party.

So, Between having a few new babies, And a few new song ideas on paper, It's been a good week so far.
How long do those things actually work, And how well? I’ve been curious about those, And really need to find an alternative to all the one gallon candy jars I’ve got laying around…
Oh they work! It's amazing how the smell and taste develops. I've had some in bags since March and it's still perfect.

I've got a question for everyone. Does the potency increase with the cure? Is it from some of the THCA converting to THC?
The increase was confirmed my two friends I gave some to in the half oz bags. It was a unsolicited statement that confirmed what I thought had happened.
That seems to be how it goes when the gov’t is involved with anything.
You know it!! Hopefully they will leave the home grower alone...................But with the tards in Cali govt, ya just never know what kind of stupidity they will pull from their "neither regions"!
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