Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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800 pagez
page #800! :jump: ....................................................................................u guyz are still waaaaaaay behind tho :nono: ppp
Thanks for the rep @Mossy @Mañ'O'Green @hairyman and everyone else who I haven’t thanked over the few months I’ve been back. :woohoo1:

I haven’t smoked any of the Anvil but a little nug I took a few weeks ago. It got pretty loud at the end of the grow with a skunky BO smell with a touch of cat piss and purple tics abound. It has been drying about three days now and with as dry as it has been I should be able to sample some this eve.:thumbsup:

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Mine has been in the bag about a week....tonight sounds like a good time for a sampling smoke off. Granted it was grown in a small pot, neglected, nurtured, neglected again, then nurtured some more.... Not even gonna worry about it, it had frost, it was done......time to test it.
Thanks. I dont grow autos because you cant really train them

Could i ask you one last thing Suki? What do you think is best? top twice and super crop? fimm and super crop? or mainline?
I have to disagree, I LST the living shyte out of my autos to spread them out. Sometimes to the point I'm afraid any more will break the branch. When topping I wait till there's 8 to 12 branches which seems to give a nice managable cola size and length. It's all about filling in available grow space for me.
So your saying if my lights powerful enough training is pointless?
I think you really have to work within the genetics you've chosen. With autos we've adapted knowing the limitations the genetics have put on us. Since I grow in my bedroom with autos I don't have to worry about light bleed and just leave the tent flaps open so I can have a quick peek during the day and if I watch TV after their lights worries. Want to up the yield, start a new set a month or so before the current ones are done so their ready to place as soon as the others are done ( 2 or 3 tents rotating the crops:woohoo1:). Remember, we all on a learning curve. I haven't even tried scrog or sog yet so tag me in on your grow so I can learn :biggrin:.
Fat and beautiful buds, where did you get the seeds? Autos?
Old Sage Seeds is where I got mine. Great service and fast delivery.......................................................................................................................................................................... way to pimp a good vender, lol.
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