Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Oct-Dec '21

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I don’t get it… Why would anyone pay that much for a fan? i mean… it’s a fan.
Is it sponsored and personally signed by Cheech and Chong or Snoop or 2Chains?
Screw the autograph they better come install them things for me! And maybe come dust em once a month! :crying:
When I made my first batch of oil with my source turbo, I didn’t care about dosage until I got back from my surprise trip to Jupiter. I put five grams of oil in a small batch of peanut butter fudge…
…and ate an inch by inch sized piece.

Six hours later I realized that an 1/8” x1/8” piece would have done the job, Without leading me to eat every last bit of snack food in my house.
Yaaaaaaaa buddy!!!!!! :headbang:

Peanut butter fudge is off the damn hinges! My mom makes that and awesome regular fudge and I dig the rocky road kind too….has added nuts and extra marshmallow! Making myself hungry just thinking of it……….
You'd be surprised what you can do with GIMP. And there are a lot of plugins and tutorials online. I'm surprised Adobe hasn't tried to buy or destroy GIMP. And now you get the privilege of paying Adobe a subscription fee to use their products.........
That was one huge reason I quit using Adobe products when I had a design/merch company. If I pay for something once, I want everything I'm paying for all at once.
…………but did make this last night!!!! :woohoo1:

No icing outta a can for me!!! Homemade milk chocolate icing for the win!:yay:
How long do those things actually work, And how well? I’ve been curious about those, And really need to find an alternative to all the one gallon candy jars I’ve got laying around…
I been using them for close to a month. They seem to work great. I got a cheap hydrometer in a lb. bag and itt has stayed 61% for weeks. Solid so far. :thumbsup: :pass:
I kept some buds in there for over 10mo before I broke the heat seal open and I had put a hygrometer in when I sealed it and still came out reading 58%! :d5:
Thank you @Mañ'O'Green ! I knew I was missing a part of the calculation. I could not find an estimated loss % for infusion other than a vague 80-ish. Apparently without a machine to be able to check potency of the final product it's just a guess at best.

We will use my calculations as a potential "max" amount and dose carefully until we see how it works. I did learn quite a bit reading all those articles. Interesting that the information I felt missing was really just - no one knows! hahahaha

Does anyone recommend a THC/potency checker? I've seen a couple floating around. The T-check looks decent and it's not a bank breaker.
This works good! ;)
Yaaaaaaaa buddy!!!!!! :headbang:

Peanut butter fudge is off the damn hinges! My mom makes that and awesome regular fudge and I dig the rocky road kind too….has added nuts and extra marshmallow! Making myself hungry just thinking of it……….
I use my mom's recipe for it. It's more of an "old style" recipe that she got from her mom, And who knows where it came from before that.
... Which is like most of her recipes. Damned things tell you what you need, but only say how much you need HALF OF THE TIME.
What I love doing is making a full batch of pb fudge, and a half batch of chocolate made with dark chocolate, and layering it like a Reece's cup. Yeah, One tiny piece has enough sugar in it to send most people into diabetic shock, But by the gods its totally worth it.
I think food prices are going to blow up!...........IF it gets to the store shelves Fertilizer prices have skyrocketed. Most people don't know that commercial fertilizers are petroleum based and it's tied to the price of oil. Just heard it's over $1000 dollars a ton.

I guess it wasn't too smart in shutting down a pipeline on day one and several others later, along with any new leases on Fed land.

Hey Sleepy Joe! This is NOT the way to move to 'Green energy'! Where is the power gonna come from to charge those electric cars you want people to use?
Why can't the morons in charge grasp a very simple concept. Petroleum is going to be here and the main producer of electricity until we develop and master fusion. It's much closer and not really that far off in the big scope of things.
Wanting to increase the load on the electrical grid, making it near impossible to build new generating new power plants, restricting the fuel supplies to the existing power plants, and trying to replace conventional power sources with unreliable 'green' power, is NOT a plan to move away from petroleum.
Keep up this stupidity and we will see what happened in Texas this past winter happen all over the nation and people WILL die. I'd like to think this is just pure stupidity to subject the people to this crap. Why would someone intentionally subject to this crap that here and if this continues. the pure sh*t storm that WILL come from it in too many different forms?

I really hate this 'doomsday' outlook, but it's only logical. You can't increase electric grid demand without increasing power generation. You just can't force/mandate technology to the mainstream before it's ready! Battery tech is almost there, but current tech is using lithium. The impact of mining, refining and making the batteries has a quite negative impact on the environment. Solar only works when there's sun shining. Wind power is good, but weather can shut them down.

Why not remove all the stupid restrictions the current bunch of dummies enacted since taking control. Get the country back to energy independence that will lower energy prices. Build new NATURAL GAS power plant for the increased power loads. Continue and EXPAND the funding to CLEAN fusion power.

YES! We do need cleaner power. I'm all for it! For America, the current viable option is natural gas. We have a HUGE supply of it! Use that huge supply until fusion becomes viable. There really is no other viable method to move in that direction without a huge impact, economic and otherwise, on the population. The most impacted with the current path the current administration seems to be going, is poor people and people on fixed income.! They are the ones least able to afford those increases!!! Spend the money from trying to FORCE technology into reality and allocate it to fusion research.

This god damn cart before the cart crap has to stop! There's only two reasons for the current path the current administration is taking. It's stupidity and control of the population. The only question which is it or is it both?

I love my land! I'm its steward of its The current route care. Every property I've ever owned is improved from my ownership. We all are stewards of this Earth and we all must do our part to take care of it. We can do this and maintain our current standard of living and eventually vastly improve it! This current path they are taking us is not the route to go and NOT doing harm to the people they claim they want to help.

I've tried to be plain and matter of fact in this post. It's intended to be as factual as possible without being contriversial or derogatory, but if you do stupid crap, you're gonna own it with me. I always own up to my own stupidity! LOL!

That report I heard just hit me hard on fertilizer insane price increase! That's really bad news with a huge impact sometime next year.
Happy Solstice friends :toke::cheers::bighug::pass::vibes:
It's a lovely day here, 35F and pouring rain with a foot of snow on the ground. Glad I've been keeping the boat and the boardwalks shoveled:rofl: It's gonna freeze back up tonight...that's some slippery conditions
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