@LaughingHyenaSeeds Northern Berry Auto day 108 harvest well that's all folks no turning back now she's hanging and tent is cleaned :headbang:

Buds are kinda larfy from foxtailing hard not super dense but tons of surface area which should make her return good in the press. She’s super sticky and juicy she has super sweet lemon/piney smell to her














Weed contaminated with fentanyl found in unlicensed Connecticut smoke shop​

Just read the article to this headline and it makes no mention of how the weed got “contaminated”. Would it be from spraying it on the plant?
Yeah maybe I like the race stuff? All still learning and trying different stuff maybe in 10 years my thoughts will have changed but for now never know unless I try it :shrug::pass:

. Go on @Lil Dab....do it..do it.........:pighug:

Weed contaminated with fentanyl found in unlicensed Connecticut smoke shop​

Just read the article to this headline and it makes no mention of how the weed got “contaminated”. Would it be from spraying it on the plant?
Supposedly Fentanyl is so strong even a little dust can cause an OD. When Fentanyl and weed are being re-packaged at the same location it's common for the weed to get contaminated. And yes, some A-holes spray with Fentanyl or other nasty stuff to get their weed customers hooked to keep them coming back. Another reason to grow yr own.
Supposedly Fentanyl is so strong even a little dust can cause an OD. When Fentanyl and weed are being re-packaged at the same location it's common for the weed to get contaminated. And yes, some A-holes spray with Fentanyl or other nasty stuff to get their weed customers hooked to keep them coming back. Another reason to grow yr own.
It kinda defeats the purpose spraying it on weed cuz not like people would feel weird and say whoa i must be addicted to fentanyl now! They kinda need to know what they are hooked on if u want repeat customers! :shrug::rofl: