She's a auto :yoinks::nono::doh::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I agree but my hands are sort of tied I tried sliding her just a little bit last night in the tent and she fell completely over managed to get her back upright barely. Also the timing sucks I am leaving for a week in two weeks so if I wait another week I would be struggling to get her trimmed before I left and I'm going to be gone to long to hang her while I'm gone she'd be dry as a bone by the time I got home. So I do agree its a tad early but still believe I'm I the window. I think sometimes I let them go little to long for pressing and lose return and terps. Some of my what I thought were early harvest have been some of my better rosin:shrug::pass:
Better in what sense? I understand the time crunch and have been forced to harvest early for the same reason.
Glad I'm not the only one :whew: Lil stick tester branch returned over 25% the rest of the plant harvested two weeks later never went over 18% :shrug:
Translation: cut their heads off when they’re young and juicy


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :lildab:
return and terpenes the buzz is very similar to me either way :shrug::pass:
If you do not notice the difference in the buzz then it does not matter. I get a racy buzz from early harvest. Sometimes I am after that but mostly I like a more mellow buzz.
If you do not notice the difference in the buzz then it does not matter. I get a racy buzz from early harvest. Sometimes I am after that but mostly I like a more mellow buzz.

Yeah maybe I like the race stuff? All still learning and trying different stuff maybe in 10 years my thoughts will have changed but for now never know unless I try it :shrug::pass: