Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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Good morfnoevight all!

@snerval The little spots are a calcium problem. The calcium is either being locked out or is deficient in the media.

More often than not it is a case of too much Nitrogen locking out the calcium.
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Just back off on the N.

I'm not using nutrients but this I good info I didn't know til now. Learned something new today. Thanks MOG! :pass:
I'm not using nutrients but this I good info I didn't know til now. Learned something new today. Thanks MOG! :pass:
What are you using? How big are your pots? What is the source and starting PPM of your water?
I’m still a few pages behind so not sure if you and bill figured this out but I know a former member (he passed away) but he used only earthbox juniors for everything and he did 1 run of 4 plants with 2 boxes with air stones down in the reservoir and other 2 without and he either said was no difference or the non sir stone ones did better! It’s like I’ve said tho earthbox being long rectangles means that as the roots grow thru bottom deck they have a nice long canal of open airspace to get plenty of oxygen so no need for any extra! Them SIP buckets however don’t have near the reservoir plus all it’s space is vertical so only time they get oxygen to the roots is when water level drops but it’s not near as much space as an earthbox jr even! If I remember correctly them SIP buckets don’t hold that much water and it’s the airspace created in reservoir when water drops that allows roots to get that fresh o2 so smaller the reservoir the less they’ll get! :thumbsup:

So in summation it may be somewhat beneficial in them buckets but I’ve never used 1 to know! I’ve had great results with every earthbox plant as long as I kept enough food for them so I’d go that route over buying air domes to go with the bucket style! If u already have the buckets and the domes then couldn’t hurt to try! :d5:

Will pick up one of each and see what works better, but without the air domes. My plan would be to use a super soil and top dress with Craft blend and Build a bloom. Maybe toss some worms in and mulch whatever is pruned off the plant. Does that sound like a decent starter plan?

Thanks again for the advice so far!
Here's some more bullshit. Highly potent weed creating marijuana addicts worldwide, study says - CNN

I'll get around to reading teh actual study cited, but the reporting on this is atrocious.

I haven't used them either but I have a hard time believing that they add much air to the root mass, if any. And if you use fabric pots there should not be any question about adequate air exchange with the media. IMHO, YMMV, etc.

Thanks for chiming in on the buckets/air domes! When baked, my mind likes to engineer random things.Some work, some don't. Stoner ingenuity...

That article is a load of shit. CNN first of all and then citing some of the jackasses that have rewritten the DSM 5 in the last few years as social constructs instead of science!
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