Alright, let's get a few things straight this morning
1. Raffles are up.
2. I checked the logs; I can very, very, very easily see how many entries anyone has put into any raffle. I saw no sign of cheating.
3. I am -always- open to suggestions and ideas of how to make these run better; but that's not what went down this morning.
I woke up to the Instant Messenger displaying "Fuck raffles". I woke up to Live Stoner Chat full of posts about how it's not fair. Because someone DIDN'T WIN.
The raffle winners this week had:
92 entries for the individual that won the Pulse.
92 entries for the individual that won the Grove Bags (same person as the above.)
1 single entry won the smokin' screw. ONE SINGLE ENTRY.
22 entries won the Multiverse Raffle.
64 entries won the DynoMyco.
Most of the raffles average over 1500-1600+ entries in total each in the week span.