Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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1. This is supposed to be fun.
2. It's 100% random.
3. I will check the logs for any suspect of cheating, but I already do this.
4. You don't like it, don't play.

I don't know what is up with the attitudes here lately, but some of you need to get some fucking sunshine and endorphins flowing through your systems.
Other new rose gave up a bloom.

And another patch down and raked......amazing how something that was fun when I was younger is such a pain now and I can only do it in little bites..
When I was younger I worked in a tire shop and I could throw passenger car tires probly 7 - 8 bays. Now I am lucky if I can roll one down hill lol...
But on a side note, got a little weed eating done.....let the grass go 2 weeks so I can collect and toss on my compost pile. Gonna be a pain in the back but with time, beer and weed I'll get it done.
I had one spring at the farm that it rained so much, I had to cut it with my hay cutter N conditioner and then piled it up in several piles with my landscape rake on the tractor. That was on the over 3ac front lawn.
It was too far to move it to one of my big compost rows out in the field. Luckily, the garden was next to the front yard, so I made a pile there. I always had piles of chipped tree trimmings. I had a couple companies that dumped their chipper trucks on my farm. I added a bunch of other stuff and made one BIG pile. It was fully done by the time fall was here.
I spread it out in a wide row about 12
in thick and it sat the winter. All the other garden got the normal winter cover crop .For what was a light sandy loam soil when I bought the farm, I had a pretty good worm population after using various cover crops. The amount of worms where the compost was thickly applied was pretty dramatic. I planted sweet potatoes there that spring and had a bumper crop.
I had a pretty big and long pile that was pretty hot from chicken litter, so I did the same thing and planted corn there the next year. That was the tallest field corn I had grown so far. Massive ears of corn!
Alright, let's get a few things straight this morning

1. Raffles are up.
2. I checked the logs; I can very, very, very easily see how many entries anyone has put into any raffle. I saw no sign of cheating.
3. I am -always- open to suggestions and ideas of how to make these run better; but that's not what went down this morning.

I woke up to the Instant Messenger displaying "Fuck raffles". I woke up to Live Stoner Chat full of posts about how it's not fair. Because someone DIDN'T WIN. :hookah:

The raffle winners this week had:

92 entries for the individual that won the Pulse.
92 entries for the individual that won the Grove Bags (same person as the above.)
1 single entry won the smokin' screw. ONE SINGLE ENTRY.
22 entries won the Multiverse Raffle.
64 entries won the DynoMyco.

Most of the raffles average over 1500-1600+ entries in total each in the week span.
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