Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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Is that the Ardent WB?
Ardent FX
FX is bigger.
I'm finishing up the third infusion of the worked material from my last dry ice shake.
I shake for quality. After my first shake with all the bowls, I shake onto a round smooth bottom tray, looks like a planter tray. As soon as I see color, green, shaking onto the tray, I stop. There is PLENTY of meds left in the material!
I have the silicone sleeve, an absolute MUST for ease of clean up, less than a minute. I fill the sleeve with the DRIED worked dried on a big cooking aluminum tray. I hit the decarb cycle and wait. Once finished, I pour the oil of choice in the sleeve and hit the infuse button.
I put all that in a french press to separate out the oil. I pull out the sleeve on the end of the cool down cycle, while still fairly hot. MUCH easier to get out the oil. The light blinks to show that the particular cycle has finished and is cooling down.
Wash up the sleeve and fill up again with the worked material and decarb that. Fill with the infused oil from the last run and infuse that. Repeat until done. Three cycles is what I seem to get from my shakes. Once you squeeze all you can, I take out the glass part of the press and zap it for 30 seconds to heat it up a bit more. That results in another 75-100ml. Throw the material in your worm box.
It's fairly green, but it's pretty damn powerful. Each cycle you run, makes the oil more potent..
It has different infuse and decarb cycles for THC and CBD. You can decarb anything, rosin, hash flower....ect. I decarb my rosin in a silicone jar inside an aluminum capsule in my Nugsmasher. I've decarbed hash and then infused,
It's the most useful tool I have. If I had to give up one tool, press or Ardent, I'd give up my Press.
You can even bake stuff in it, but I think it's silly, but it does work.
They have several sales each year. I got mine well under $250 with sleeve with shipping.
I'm testing what I just finished while posting this. I think it's gonna be a really good batch. I licked off some oil and material off muh pinky when checking the temp before the french press. I could feel an a fast metabolism.

I can say that anyone here, growing their own canna, will have absolutely no buyer's remorse at all if they buy and use this product.
And what is this
Ardent FX
FX is bigger.
I'm finishing up the third infusion of the worked material from my last dry ice shake.
I shake for quality. After my first shake with all the bowls, I shake onto a round smooth bottom tray, looks like a planter tray. As soon as I see color, green, shaking onto the tray, I stop. There is PLENTY of meds left in the material!
I have the silicone sleeve, an absolute MUST for ease of clean up, less than a minute. I fill the sleeve with the DRIED worked dried on a big cooking aluminum tray. I hit the decarb cycle and wait. Once finished, I pour the oil of choice in the sleeve and hit the infuse button.
I put all that in a french press to separate out the oil. I pull out the sleeve on the end of the cool down cycle, while still fairly hot. MUCH easier to get out the oil. The light blinks to show that the particular cycle has finished and is cooling down.
Wash up the sleeve and fill up again with the worked material and decarb that. Fill with the infused oil from the last run and infuse that. Repeat until done. Three cycles is what I seem to get from my shakes. Once you squeeze all you can, I take out the glass part of the press and zap it for 30 seconds to heat it up a bit more. That results in another 75-100ml. Throw the material in your worm box.
It's fairly green, but it's pretty damn powerful. Each cycle you run, makes the oil more potent..
It has different infuse and decarb cycles for THC and CBD. You can decarb anything, rosin, hash flower....ect. I decarb my rosin in a silicone jar inside an aluminum capsule in my Nugsmasher. I've decarbed hash and then infused,
It's the most useful tool I have. If I had to give up one tool, press or Ardent, I'd give up my Press.
You can even bake stuff in it, but I think it's silly, but it does work.
They have several sales each year. I got mine well under $250 with sleeve with shipping.
I'm testing what I just finished while posting this. I think it's gonna be a really good batch. I licked off some oil and material off muh pinky when checking the temp before the french press. I could feel an a fast metabolism.

I can say that anyone here, growing their own canna, will have absolutely no buyer's remorse at all if they buy and use this product.
So wtf is it? Replaces my stovetop oven which makes butter and oil free? Pictures or a video help with paragraphs of excitement lol, im happy you are liking whatever you bought tho
So wtf is it? Replaces my stovetop oven which makes butter and oil free? Pictures or a video help with paragraphs of excitement lol, im happy you are liking whatever you bought tho
No stinky house. Accurate decarb and infuse every time with one touch work....whew!, so rough!

It's just plain easy and dead consistent with the absolute minimal effort.
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