Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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I love your episode. I was in the same boat as you had some surgery got pills. Except they quit giving me pills so I went to the street. Got hook on heroin. Kicked it for 6 months then relapsed and started using again. Then a year ago today I was seconds away from not being here. Woke up in an ambulance. Did it a few more times after that now I got 5 months clean. and going to stay that way. its not worth my life. Thanks man for sharing your story and inspiring some to get clean or stay clean. And all the info you shared with us or anyone that listens to that pod cast. cheers to being clean :d5: :worship::pass:
Not sure I’ll be able to bring myself to get another looool been such a help for me through a lot of sh*tty times
Yeah, it will take time. The best pets I've had, have found me in some way or the other. Going to a shelter just makes it easier for them to find you and saves a life.
I moved into my new apartment..... It's old I'm afraid I'm going to be blowing fuses and the breaker... With everything I got.... So I'm going to have to figure something out .... Is there anything you can buy the will connect to wall outlets to help that not happen? Besides surge protector?
Unscrew every fuse...screw 1 in, walk around the house with a small lamp ( and a flashlight) do a diagram of each circuit (fuse) in the box.....use to map out where you will pull power from to power your operation... surge protector is no help in this situation.....
I can't wait until Ogreberry is finished.. She smells like a Headband strain, mixed with a subtle touch of Grape Sweet Tarts...
Got a new pipe recently, gifted to me by god friend. Just thought I'd share because it the best pipe for high grade traditional hash

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You heat the nail and dab it into the bowl, its very refined hot knives if your old enough to remember them.
The hit is out of this world :woohoo1:

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i had something like that a few years ago, i could not get the glass "nail" hot enough unless i used a mapgas torch
Unscrew every fuse...screw 1 in, walk around the house with a small lamp ( and a flashlight) do a diagram of each circuit (fuse) in the box.....use to map out where you will pull power from to power your operation... surge protector is no help in this situation.....
You will have see what your limit is per room and just spread the tents out accross the apartment, even in my current new house i still can't go over 1500-2000w in my 2 rooms that are on 1 breaker. most our lights have dimmers so once you know the limit stay under it by dimming.
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