Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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The sting is not that bad, its just a stinging/burning/lightning pain to the nervous system in the limb that was stung for a hour or 2, mild not as extreme as i made it sound haha
The ones we have here are supposed to suck pretty bad to get stung by….but you basically have to be actively squishing them to get stung…..otherwise they’re pretty laid back, and scary looking lol
I sometimes do a 24 hour light flip in the final days before harvest for Autos just to push them a bit. (The last AK47 Auto I ran, I flipped to 24 about 2 weeks from harvest.) And I always skip a full day light cycle at harvest to help preserve terps, and for no other reason. Bro Science? Maybe, maybe not....But Dr. Bugbee talks about this.

I don t flush either....
For those 10 gallon pots I would probably use three handfuls. Whatever you can grasp with your hand. Since you have a cover crop in there, I would just lightly work it in, not to disturb much and then just do your normal watering. I'd time it in conjunction with watering or even better compost tea.
The top dress plus tea wouldn't overdo it?
we are in bad times now tho, everything going up and people that live in apartments always get fucked on rent being high, then they have to deal with all the neighbor bull crap ; / i don't miss them tunacans, spent most my life in them.
Bad times breed opportunity for those that prepare. Sold my 5 acre lot at the high of last bubble, waited a year and a half and started looking again, took another 3 6 months to find what I wanted, offered them 20k less since it had been on the market 4 months and a month later was moving in.
The top dress plus tea wouldn't overdo it?

Nope cuz the tea is gonna be more instant and the microbes from it will kick the oly compost and insect frass off! The dry ingredients in the BAF will take lil time to become available! :d5:
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