Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '22

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Really contemplating a second joint for the review …… just to see how high she’ll take me…ahem, I mean for posterity and what not. Science and shit. Fuck I’m high :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::smokeit:
Although it appears they’re too high to be aggressive as I’ve yet to be stung….and this place is fulla smoke usually :rofl: :rofl:
When i was country living i would catch them and put them in a 20 gallon fish tank and make it their own little terrarium until they started making babies and carrying them on their backs.
I didn't have anyway to feed the babies, they needed pinhead baby crickets and i could only catch adults, by the time the crickets bred and had babies the scorpion babies were all dead. :face:
I pay 1135 for a house with a garage and a hige yard. thats alot for A 1 bedroom apartment. Shit a house mortgage is that much.
Yes I know.... It's in the nicest part of the city... And it's a high ceiling old historical building..... Right next to a beautiful park.... It's still outrageous... But it's all I could find for now..... And it's right next to my job I can walk to work.... Save on gas...
I've been going nonstop since 11 when we got up. Spent hours at the vet with the dog alone. Went and got him juice for his vape. Got home and sat down for like 5 minutes and then get the call to go get the dog. Was gonna go alone but he insisted on coming with, then instead of taking me and our stoned to the bone dog home he decided we needed to are the 40 minute round trip with him to go get his paycheck, meanwhile loopy af Suki-pup is getting tossed all over the back seat cause he insisted on cutting out 3 minutes by taking a convoluted "shortcut" (only actually is an effective shortcut going away from home, not towards it) instead of making 2 turns via the main roads.

We're technically in the clear contagion wise so I asked if he would take #3 to tap and he threw a whole ass hissy fit about it and then I was just like "you know what fuck it nvm I'm taking her cause she looks uncomfortable with riding with you right now." So I guess I'll get around to checking my SpO2 and pulse for the first time since like 5am when I get home in like an hour plus. But like, why tf is my feeling awful less valid than his? Why does he expect sympathy when he feels like crap but then act like a total asshat when I need a break instead of running around ignoring my body for another 2 hours on top of everything else I've had to do all day?

Ugh. I just wanted to sit down and get high for the first time today but no I get to sit in my car in this parking lot for an hour and bitch into the void.

I love him, but holy crap I'm incredibly frustrated at the moment.
I sometimes do a 24 hour light flip in the final days before harvest for Autos just to push them a bit. (The last AK47 Auto I ran, I flipped to 24 about 2 weeks from harvest.) And I always skip a full day light cycle at harvest to help preserve terps, and for no other reason. Bro Science? Maybe, maybe not....But Dr. Bugbee talks about this.

I keep my lights on...... No darkness....
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